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词汇 victim
例句 He was the victim of a very brutal murder.他惨遭谋杀。In a confession made to police shortly after his arrest, Davis said he had killed the victim with a kitchen knife.戴维斯被捕后不久就向警方供认说,他用菜刀杀了受害人。The victim was tied to a sacrificial altar.牺牲被绑在了祭坛上。The victim was shaken, but physically unharmed.受害人受了惊,但是身体上没有受伤。Police are still puzzled as to how he managed to dispose of his victim's body.警方仍然不明白他是如何处理被害人尸体的。She's the victim of a frame-up.她是一项阴谋的受害者。The defence must show that the victim had consented.辩方必须表明受害人已经同意。Ellis claims he is the victim of a conspiracy with a personal vendetta against him.埃利斯称自己是一桩对他报私仇阴谋的受害者。They trussed up their victim and left him for dead.他们把受害人捆绑起来,丢下他不管死活。He took a running kick at the victim's head.他对着受害人的头部来了个跑踢。Police scientists are carrying out tests on the murder victim's clothes.警方的科学家正在对凶杀案受害者的衣服进行一系列检验。He was simply a victim of circumstance.他不过是个客观环境的牺牲品。Edwards commented that the convictions give him a feeling of relief that he hopes the victim shares.爱德华兹称判决令他宽慰,他希望受害人也有同感。Police think she may have fallen victim to a serial killer.警方认为她可能已经被连环杀手杀害了。A guilty verdict would gratify the victim's relatives.有罪判决会让受害者亲属满意。If Allen had ever been the victim of a crime, he might have a slightly different point of view.如果艾伦曾经是罪案的受害人,他的想法就可能会略有不同。The finger of suspicion pointed to a close friend of the victim.怀疑的矛头指向受害者的一名密友。You've been the victim of a rather cruel deception.你是一场相当残忍的骗局的受害者。The victim was in an inferior position to the attacker, perhaps sitting or squatting.受害者位于攻击者的下方,或坐着,或蹲着。The pang of sympathy with the victim bit my breast.我同情受害者,痛及五内。The intended victim of the fire was Margaret.这起纵火事件计划伤害的对象是玛格丽特。The judge asked the witness what the relationship was between her and the victim.法官问证人她跟受害者有什么亲戚关系。Wallace died in a hail of bullets in Los Angeles, the victim of a drive-by killing.华莱士在洛杉矶遇上了飞车枪击事件,在枪林弹雨中遇害身亡。Hartley claimed he was the victim of political bloodletting.哈特里声称他是政治裁员的受害者。He was the victim of a mugging.他是行凶抢劫的受害者。Suddenly Packer struck a blow that rendered his victim unconscious.帕克突然打了对方一拳,使他失去了知觉。The attack victim is currently in hospital, under heavy sedation.被袭者目前在医院,服用了大剂量镇静药物。It's my theory that the murderer knew his victim quite well.我的看法是凶手对被害人非常了解。The judge reduced the amount of money awarded to the victim.法官减少了补偿给受害人的款额。The victim was pronounced dead on arrival at Southampton Hospital.受害者到达南安普敦医院时就被宣布死亡了。The autopsy discovered traces of poison in the victim's blood.尸体解剖揭示出受害者血液中有毒物的痕迹。It's much harder to prove libel when the alleged victim is a public figure.如果诽谤的受害者是一个公众人物,那么要证明诽谤这个事实将更难一些。She was the first victim killed by the strangler.她第一个被那个勒杀犯杀害。The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.昨天,这名女警谈到自己在诱导年轻的受害人说出重要信息的过程中所起的作用。There were scratch marks all over the victim's body.被害人身上满是抓痕。I don't accept his portrayal of himself as an innocent victim. 我不相信他像自己说的那样,是个无辜的受害者。The offender made proper restitution to the victim's kindred.违法者对受害人亲属给予了适当的补偿。She is still missing, and the police now suspect that she may have been a victim of foul play. 她仍然下落不明,警方怀疑她可能已经惨遭杀害。Harman claimed she was the victim of backstabbing by jealous colleagues.哈曼声称她是嫉妒的同事暗箭伤人的受害者。The identity of the criminal/victim is not known.罪犯/受害人的身份不明。




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