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词汇 veins
例句 I could feel the blood pulsing through my veins.我能感觉到血液在我的血管里翻腾。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉。He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins when he heard the news.当他听到这消息时,他能感觉到浑身的血液在沸腾。There was Greek blood in his veins.他有希腊血统。There's a drop of Irish blood in her veins.她有一点儿爱尔兰血统。The veins stood out on his throat and temples.他喉咙和太阳穴上青筋凸出。He felt the adrenalin coursing through his veins.他感觉到自己血脉偾张。When he gets angry, the veins in his forehead pulse. 他发怒时额头的静脉会搏动。Fear thrilled through her veins.她感到一阵害怕。Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.从腿部取出一些细小血管,用来对堵塞的冠状动脉进行分流。She uses make-up to hide the thread veins in her cheeks.她靠化妆来遮掩面颊上的红血丝。The news sent the blood pulsing through his veins.这消息使他热血沸腾。Stilton is a very strong English cheese, which has blue-green veins running through it.斯提尔顿干酪是一种味道浓郁的英国干酪,中间有蓝绿相间的纹理。The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。They never fail to remind people that they have royal blood in their veins.他们从不忘提醒人们,他们的血管里流着王室的血。The veins in his neck stood out like knotted rope.他脖子上的血管突出,像打了结的绳子。I felt the blood coursing in my veins as I ran.我跑步时感觉血液在血管里奔涌。A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.由静脉和动脉组成的血管网络向全身输送血液。She had to have an operation for varicose veins.她不得不接受手术治疗静脉曲张。Her cheeks were netted with little purple veins.她的双颊布满细红的血丝。She could feel the excitement coursing through her veins.她能感到兴奋感流遍全身。Pregnant women often get varicose veins.孕妇常患有静脉曲张。I could see the veins in his neck pulsating.我看到他脖子上的血管在跳动。Surgery for varicose veins comes under the heading of cosmetic surgery.静脉曲张手术属于美容外科类手术。Vessels commonly used for grafting are the greater or lesser saphenous veins and basilic veins.用于移植的血管通常来自大隐静脉、小隐静脉和贵要静脉。If you have varicose veins, consider wearing elastic support hose.如果患了静脉曲张,可以考虑穿弹力护腿袜。The philosopher Seneca opened his veins in his bath.哲学家塞内加在浴缸里割开了自己的静脉。He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴突。Many veins are found just under the skin.很多静脉血管就在皮肤下面。Fear thrilled through my veins.恐惧使我全身毛骨悚然。She felt the blood racing through her veins as they kissed.他们接吻时她觉得热血沸腾。His ropy veins pushed out in anger.他气得青筋暴突。Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.她半透明的皮肤上可以看见青青的血管。The blood drubbed in his veins.血液在他的血管中奔突。I don't like body builders who are so overdeveloped you can see the veins in their bulging muscles.我不喜欢某些练健美的人,他们的肌肉过于发达,你都能看到他们凸起的肌肉上的根根青筋。Blood circulates through the arteries and veins.血液通过动脉和静脉循环。A network of veins showed through his skin.他青筋暴露。The blood was pulsing through his veins.他热血沸腾。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。With this disease the veins in the liver can block up, and all sorts of damage follows.患这种疾病后,肝脏的血管就会堵塞,各种损伤就会随之而来。




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