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词汇 veiled
例句 Stone age civilization, veiled in mystery as it is, has provided the greatest challenge to historians.石器时代的文明仍披着一层神秘的面纱,对历史学家来说是极大的挑战。She was made uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to the previous night.他对头天晚上的事闪烁其词令她感到不快。A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile.一位戴面纱的女士朝我友好地微笑。She looked at him with barely veiled contempt.她注视着他,带着一种不加掩饰的轻蔑。The report makes veiled references to his criminal activities.这份报告半遮半掩地提到了他的犯罪活动。He looked at Frank's new car with thinly veiled envy.他带着掩饰不住的嫉妒看着弗兰克的新车。Why did you make those veiled insinuations about me?你为什么对我说那些含沙射影的话?The circumstances of his death were veiled in mystery.他的死笼罩着一层神秘的色彩。A black kerchief modestly veiled her hair.一条黑色的头巾庄重地裹住她的头发。The details of the evacuation are veiled in secrecy.撤离的细节秘而不宣。Her eyes were partially veiled by her long, dark hair.她的眼睛被她的乌黑长发遮住了一部分。The sun was veiled by clouds.太阳被云层遮住了。Morning fog veiled the river in grey anonymity.晨雾笼罩,河面呈现出灰蒙蒙一片。The hills were veiled/shrouded in a fine mist.群山笼罩在薄雾之中。Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。The opposition leader has made thinly veiled threats of violence.反对派领袖几乎不加掩饰地威胁要使用暴力。Her words sounded like a veiled warning.她的话听起来像是一个含蓄的警告。The experiment is cloaked/shrouded/veiled in mystery.这项实验笼罩着神秘的气氛/被蒙上了神秘的色彩/盖着一层神秘的面纱。Haze veiled the landscape.薄雾笼罩着这片风景。This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.这最后一项条款明显是对那些可能会无视法令之人的威慑。Her comments were nothing more than a veiled criticism of my work.她的那番话不过是在含蓄地批评我的工作罢了。She made a lot of thinly veiled accusations.她多次提出指责,几乎不加什么掩饰。There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.她语气中带着几乎未加掩饰的敌意。In some societies, women are expected to be veiled when they go out in public.在某些社会里,女性去公共场合就得戴上面纱。His attempt to get us to help him is just a veiled form of blackmail.他想让我们帮他,这只是一种拐弯抹角的勒索罢了。In Japan, the private lives of the Emperor and his family were once veiled in secrecy.在日本,天皇及其家人的私生活曾经是不为外人所知的。Morning fog veiled the village.晨雾笼罩著村庄。The company's pay offer was accompanied by thinly veiled threats if it was rejected.如果公司的薪酬方案遭到拒绝,随之而来的就是近乎直白的威胁。The queen's wealth is veiled in mystery.女王的财富究竟有多少没人知道。He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.他只是含蓄地提到了国际社会对人权问题的关注。




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