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例句 Cheaper housing would vastly improve the living standards of ordinary people.更低廉的房价可大大改善老百姓的生活水平。They argue that the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any advantages.他们认为这些疫苗可能存在的风险要远远超过它们带来的益处。Men in prison vastly outnumber women.坐牢的男性人数远远高于女性。His background is vastly different from mine.他的背景与我的大相径庭。The countries are separated by vastly different interests and economics.这些国家由于利益和经济情况大不相同而分道扬镳。This vastly improved information system means that doctors can see patients’ medical histories at the flick of a switch.这个经大幅改进的信息系统意味着医生只要按一下开关就可以查看病人的病历。Today life has vastly improved.眼下生活已大为改善。Although badly out-numbered by the enemy, we had vastly superior firepower.尽管敌军兵力大大超过我方,但是我们的火力占绝对优势。The book is vastly superior to the film.这本书远远好于那部影片。This book is vastly superior to his last one.这本书远远超过他的上一本书。We were presented with a vastly oversimplified version of events.这些事件交到我们手里是经过大大简化后的版本。Life in the wild is vastly overrated.野外生活被过分美化了。They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.尽管他们背景差异很大,但成长经历很相似。They vastly increased spending.他们大幅增加了开支。If you would only explain me the mystery I should be vastly obliged.只要你肯对我解释一下这个谜团,我会不胜感激的。Some people buy large blocks of tickets and then try to sell them at vastly inflated prices.有些人买下大批的门票,然后再设法大幅抬高价钱卖出去。They face a severe test of character against a vastly superior team.他们面临着一场对他们意志品质的严峻考验,对手是比他们水平高出一大截的球队。His piano playing has improved vastly since last year.他的钢琴弹奏自去年以来取得了巨大的进步。The hotel has been vastly improved.这家旅馆已有了很大的改进。A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care.照料孩子的重担落在了女性身上。Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.他们失败的次数远远超过成功的次数。Typical symptoms of acid rain include deformed and dying trees, and trees with vastly reduced numbers of leaves.酸雨的主要征候为树木变形、枯死,树叶大大减少。Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.和大多数同辈人一样,我生长在一个截然不同的世界。This legislation will vastly improve the quality of life of New Zealanders.这项立法将大大提高新西兰人的生活质量。Her private and public selves were vastly different.她人后的面目和人前的形象大为不同。His later work was vastly inferior to his early work.他后期的作品大不如从前。Death was considered vastly preferable to surrender.宁可死也不投降。Her father was vastly pleased with her.她父亲对她极为满意。The jury has heard two vastly different accounts of what happened.陪审团听到了对所发生事件的两种截然不同的陈述。Under the soil there repose vastly greater quantities of raw materials.地下蕴藏着大量更多的原料。




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