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词汇 variable
例句 The standard of teaching is very variable.教学水平很不稳定。The quality is variable, so careful selection is called for.质量参差不齐,所以有必要仔细挑选。Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable.极地的生存环境条件艰苦,变化无常。Prices are variable so shop around.价格高低不一,所以要货比三家。The speed of the toy boat is variable.玩具船的速度是可变的。Demand for the company's products is variable.市场对该公司产品的需求不稳定。The number of spots showing if two dice are thrown is a random variable.掷出两颗骰子所得的点数为随机变量。The prices are variable so shop around by all means.价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家,逐店选购。The quality of food here is highly variable.这儿的饭菜质量时好时坏,变化极大。Fixed costs should be separated from variable costs when working out the annual accounts.做年度报表时,固定成本应与可变成本分开计算。These systems are infinitely variable.这些系统变化无穷。The weather here is variable.这里天气反复无常。The weather here is likely to be very variable.这里的天气可能很多变。The winds were light and variable.那时风不大,且风向多变。The quality of the performances was variable.演出的水平参差不齐。A variable in a computer program references a location in memory.计算机程序中的变量引用存储单元。There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong.有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。The quality of pork is often less variable than beef.猪肉质量往往比牛肉稳定。British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring.在英国,春季的天气可能是最变幻莫测的。Her moods were too variable these days.这些天来她的情绪反复无常。The loan has a variable interest rate.贷款的利率是浮动的。The heater has variable temperature settings.加热器有不同的温度设定。Scientists know that all experimental results are variable.科学家知道所有的实验结果都是可变的。The temperature in the main building is variable.主楼的温度是可调节的。The photos are of variable quality.这些照片的质量参差不齐。These fish are highly variable in color and pattern.这些鱼颜色和花纹各异。Expect variable cloudiness and fog tomorrow.预计明天多云有雾。People with common variable immunodeficiency often suffer from infections.患有常见变异型免疫缺陷病的病人经常会受到感染。Winds will be variable.风是多变的。Variable rate loans, as the name implies, have a variable interest rate.可变利率贷款,正如名字所暗示的,是一种利率可能变化的贷款。The speed of the windscreen wipers is variable.汽车挡风玻璃上刮水器的速度是可变的。It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation.普遍做法是把自变量放在等式的右边。




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