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词汇 blood
例句 He was lying on the floor, covered in blood.他躺在地板上,全身是血。The patient's blood refused to clot.病人的血液无法凝结。John came in, his arm dripping blood.约翰进来了,他的手臂在滴血。I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.我每天服用干酵母片以净化血液。Alcohol is knocked for all its evils, but it can speed the flow of blood.酒被指摘有种种害处,但它却能活血。His clothes were torn and stained with blood.他的衣服被撕破了,还染有血迹。If blood is spilled the countries will be at war.如果出现伤亡,这些国家就会进入交战状态。We need to draw some blood to test you for the virus.我们需要为你抽血检查病毒。He has a blood test done each week to see how effective the medication is.他每周验一次血以了解药物的作用。Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。What does the law say about having alcohol in the blood while driving?法律关于驾车时血液中含有酒精是如何规定的?The blood drubbed in his veins.血液在他的血管中奔突。The hospital keeps a large supply of blood for use in emergencies.医院储备了大量血液以供急救用。Gentle exercise aids the circulation of blood around the body.和缓的运动有助于全身的血液循环。He was dripping blood everywhere.他的血滴得到处都是。The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.与对血液供应的损害相比,对大脑细胞的实际损害不那么严重。I could feel the blood pumping through my veins.我能感到血液在静脉中流淌。The test is based on the measurement of blood levels.这项化验是以测量血液中各成分浓度为基础的。The hospital appealed for more people to donate blood.医院呼吁更多的人献血。Impurities are removed from the blood by the kidneys.肾脏将血液中的杂质除去。The students sweated blood while waiting for the examination results.学生们焦虑不安地等待考试成绩。I couldn't send him away - he's my own flesh and blood.我不能把他送走——他是我的亲人。Losing a lot of blood makes you tired and anaemic.失血过多会导致你疲劳并且贫血。I had the blood test last Tuesday, and I've been sweating it out ever since, waiting for the results.我上个星期二验血了,从那时起就一直如坐针毡地等待结果。The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.大脑表层呈灰红色,上面的微细血管纵横交错,宛如一个个斜格子。Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.水分和盐被吸收进我们的血液中。The heart pumps blood around the body.心脏把血液输送到全身。There's always a need for blood donors.对捐血者一向有需求。Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。He did not want to see any American blood spilt.他不想看到任何美国人流血牺牲。She had a blood clot in her lungs.她的肺里有个血块。A myocardial infarction happens when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged.当流往部分心肌的血液被阻时间过长,心肌因此受损时,就会发生心肌梗塞。A team of doctors cured him of a rare blood disease.医疗小组治愈了他所患的罕见血液病。Breathing and the circulation of blood are life processes.呼吸和血液循环是生命的过程。High blood pressure is a silent killer.高血压是无形的杀手。The drug can help prevent blood clots from forming.这种药对防止血栓形成很有帮助。There was blood everywhere and the pain was incredible.到处都是血,疼得难以忍受。In seconds the blood had soaked through.几秒钟内血就浸透了。They protest their innocence, but we know that they have blood on their hands.他们声称自己无罪,但是我们知道他们双手沾满了鲜血。He shrank a little at the sight of the blood.看到血他往后缩了一下。




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