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词汇 民主国家
例句 At that time, Nepal was transformed from an absolute monarchy into a multi-party democracy.当时,尼泊尔由一个专制的君主国转型为一个多党的民主国家The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.认为民主国家互不争斗的观点是以一个极小的历史样本为根据的。Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.新兴民主国家创造出了适宜开发的市场。Costa Rica is a democracy.哥斯达黎加是一个民主国家This country claims to be a true democracy.这个国家宣称是真正的民主国家It is an over-simplification to say that Britain is a democracy.把英国说成是一个民主国家过于简单化了。A country is not truly democratic until all of its citizens can vote freely.一个国家当其所有公民均能自由投票选举时,才是一个真正的民主国家These riots are unworthy of a democracy such as ours.发生这些骚乱与我们这样的民主国家很不协调。In a new democracy, it is no bad thing to master the art of compromise.在新的民主国家,掌握妥协这门艺术不是件坏事。The new leader wants his country to be seen as a mature democracy.这位新的领导希望他的国家在人们眼中是个成熟的民主国家Although America is a democracy, a lot of key decisions are made behind closed doors by unelected advisers.美国虽然是个民主国家,但是许多重大事情还是由未经选举的总统顾问私下决定的。If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy?如果只有富人才有钱竞选公职,那么我们是否更像是一个财阀统治的国家而非民主国家We live in a multiparty democracy.我们生活在一个多党制民主国家Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.多数民主国家已经废除了死刑。Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.任何类似的事情都会遭到全世界民主国家的强烈反对。Their hope was that a new democracy could be born.他们的希望是新的民主国家能够诞生。It's ten years since the country became a democracy.该国成为民主国家已经十年了。Freedom of speech is one of the governing principles in a democracy.言论自由是民主国家的指导原则之一。The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.西方的民主国家可能会发现很难自圆其说。We live in a liberal democracy.我们生活在一个思想开放的民主国家The ostracism of political dissidents is totally unheard of in democratic countries.对政治异议份子的流放在民主国家里是不曾听闻的。A true democracy allows free speech.真正的民主国家允许言论自由。He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.他说,发达国家有责任促进全球经济增长,以帮助新兴民主国家




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