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例句 Conflicts used to be settled by men fighting hand to hand.曾相互贴身搏斗的双方往往也是解决冲突的人。She used to be thin, but she's gotten a bit large in recent years.她过去瘦瘦的,但近几年已经有点发胖了。Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests.军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。She used to give lectures at the Mechanics' Institute.她过去常在机械学院授课。Police have found the helicopters that the terrorists used to make their getaway.警方已经找到恐怖分子逃跑使用的直升机。They painted a grim picture of what life used to be like there.他们给那里的过去描绘了一幅悲惨的生活画面。I used the time to look round the city.我利用这段时间在城市观光。These bikes are designed for racing and cannot be used on the road without modification.这些自行车是为比赛设计的,不改装不能上路。She used to iron his shirts.她以前常给他熨衬衫。These terminals are used mostly for word processing.这些终端机主要用于文字处理。He used his driver's license as identification.他用自己的驾驶执照作为身份证明。Even when used in considerable quantity it does not disorder the stomach.即便大剂量使用,也不会造成胃部不适。We used to see quite a lot of his wife.我们以前经常和他妻子见面。Dan used to play football every Sunday, but then he just lost interest.丹以前每个星期天都踢足球,后来他就没兴趣了。That used car you bought is a dog.你买的那辆旧车是蹩脚货。A university professor who used his modest means to collect over 300 valuable artworks has donated them to the National Gallery.一名大学教授以他不高的收入收集了三百多件有价值的艺术品,并已经把它们捐赠给了国家美术馆。People in this locality used to take two meals a day.这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。Successful schools must be used as models for the rest.其他学校须效仿成功的学校。I used to share a room with my sister.我过去和姐姐住在一个房间里。The word is nowhere used by Shakespeare.莎士比亚在任何一部作品中都没用过这个词。The swords are now used only ceremonially. 现在这些剑仅用作礼仪佩剑。They always used to ring me and say what they were doing.他们过去总是打电话来告诉我他们在做些什么。The revenue will be used to help pay for environmental improvements.该收入将用于支付改善环境的部分费用。Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber.人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的织物。Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.欧洲已经习惯了跟从,而不是领头儿。These new techniques are already being used to produce special effects in films.这些新技术已经用于制作电影的特技效果。Radiosurgery can be used to destroy brain tumours without cutting the skin.放射外科可以用来摧毁肿瘤而不需要开刀。He used to work fourteen hours a day.他过去一天工作十四个小时。They used ice packs to bring down her temperature.他们用冰袋给她退烧。Pop stars used to be a lot less precious about advertising products.过去走红的明星们为产品作广告时远非如此地惺惺作态。The child used her hand to make an impression in the mud.小女孩用手在淤泥中压了个印。Border tiles with two rounded edges are used for corners.有两条圆边的镶边瓷砖用来镶壁角。Driving in the city was hard at first, but she soon got used to it.在城里开车一开始很难,但她很快就适应了。We've already used two jars of coffee.我们已经用了两罐咖啡了。He used to cheerfully take on thankless jobs like running school dances.他过去一向乐意承担诸如举办学校舞会之类吃力不讨好的工作。The building was originally used as a prison.这幢建筑最早是当监狱用的。The cylindrical glass jars are used for keeping spaghetti in.这些圆柱形玻璃瓶是用来放意大利面条的。She used sound reasoning in making the decision.她运用合理推断做出了决定。This land used to be the best farming land in Germany.这片土地曾经是德国最肥沃的耕地。He used to jump on me for every little mistake.他以前对我犯的每一个小错误都要大加斥责。




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