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词汇 USA
例句 For over two decades the USA sought to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.在二十多年间,政府试图阻止该疾病在此地区扩散。After the USA, Japan is the second biggest importer of oil.日本是继美国之后的第二大石油进口国。The USA expressed reservations before agreeing to sign the agreement.美国在同意签署协议之前表达了保留意见。The dollars are then deposited with banks outside the USA.然后这些美金存入了美国境外的银行。In the USA, reality TV is everywhere.在美国,真人秀电视节目随处可见。He's a big face of USA hockey.他是美国曲棍球界的大名人。The UK is the world's third largest arms producer, after the USA and Russia.英国是世界第三大武器生产国,位列美国和俄罗斯之后。He was an understudy to Charlie Chaplin on a tour of the USA.他是查理·卓别麟美国巡演期间的替角儿。In the USA you can ring Social Security or the Department of Welfare and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部或福利部询问能得到何种帮助。His plays are still widely performed in the USA.他的戏剧仍在美国各地上演。The Indian Prime Minister has expressed optimism about India's future relations with the USA.印度总理对未来的印美关系表示乐观。In the USA and Canada, a house is often tailor-made to fit the needs of the family that will live in it.在美国和加拿大,房子常常是为满足住户的需求而专门设计的。That's a general British failing. In the USA it's quite different.那是英国人的普遍缺点。在美国,情况就大不一样了。In general, the American courts have no jurisdiction to deal with crimes outside the USA.一般来说,美国法院对本国之外的犯罪行为不具有裁决权。They swore their allegiance to the USA and received their naturalization papers.他们起誓忠诚于美国,随后就接到了批准他们入籍的文件。USA Today did not run the story until Ashe had made his announcement.《今日美国》直到阿希作了宣布之后才进行报道。They were ineligible to remain in the USA.他们不符合条件,不能继续留在美国。I bought a copy of 'USA Today' from a street-corner machine.我从街角的自动售卖机买了一份《今日美国》。You can bank by phone in the USA, punching in account numbers on the phone.在美国你可以通过电话输入账号办理银行业务。A substantial wage differential persists between the USA and Mexico.美国和墨西哥之间一直存在着明显的工资差别。After WWII he made a pact with the USA for military bases in Spain.二战后,他与美国签署协定在西班牙境内设立美军基地。She's a columnist for USA Today.她是《今日美国》的专栏作家。These could all provide a point of departure for European collaboration with the USA.这一切可能为欧洲与美国的合作提供一个开端。In the USA you can ring Social Security and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部询问能得到何种帮助。If you're importing those goods into Britain from the USA, you'll have to pay customs on them.如果将这些货物从美国进口到英国,就必须缴纳关税。He's an artist who has never been as well-known here, or for that matter as well-respected, as he has been in the USA.作为一名艺术家,他在这里从未像他在美国那样出名,也不像在美国那样受人尊敬。I'd love to visit the USA.我想去美国游览。This reaction is a sign of the discomfiture of the USA at the unanimity of opinion against it.美国的反应表明其对舆论的一致反对感到不安。There has been a resurgence of interest in golf in the USA.在美国,人们重新燃起了对高尔夫球的兴趣。Brian had passed through Lisbon on his way to the USA.布赖恩途径里斯本前往美国。Would the USA be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?.如果肯尼迪没有被暗杀,今天的美国会有根本性的不同吗?Any holiday in the USA and Canada is enhanced by renting a self-drive car.租车自驾绝对会使在美国和加拿大的度假更加愉快。Last year we did the Greek Islands but we were thinking of the USA this year.去年我们游览了希腊群岛,但今年我们正考虑去美国。I got a grant from my university to study in the USA for a year. It's a golden opportunity!我从所在的大学获得在美国学习一年的助学金。这真是个千载难逢的机会!




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