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词汇 urgency
例句 It is a matter of utmost urgency.这事刻不容缓。That procedure should be streamlined as a matter of urgency.那个程序应当简化,这是当务之急。I'm not convinced of the urgency of the problem. 我不相信这事有那么急迫。I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。There was a distinct lack of urgency in his manner.他的做事方式明显缺乏紧迫感。You need to talk about it with your doctor as a matter of urgency.你得赶紧和你的医生商量一下。The sense of urgency permeated their thought.他们心中充满了紧迫感。It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people.当务之急是要弄清楚这些人出了什么事。The murders have given added urgency to the debate about violent crime.这些谋杀案使有关暴力犯罪的讨论更显紧迫。They recognise the urgency of righting the economy.他们认识到了复苏经济的紧迫性。There was a note of urgency in her voice.她的声音流露出一丝紧迫。The urgency of finding a cure attracted some of the best minds in medical science.找到治愈方法的紧迫性吸引了医学领域一些最有才华的人。Both sides admitted there was a sense of urgency to end the strike quickly.双方都承认有迅速结束罢工的迫切感。He could discern the note of urgency in their voices.他听出他们的语气很是迫切。We waited in the car while he checked the oil with an irritating lack of urgency.我们在车里等,他却慢悠悠地检查机油,真让人上火。We need to act with urgency to ensure his safety.我们需采取紧急行动,确保他的安全。Is there any urgency about this?这事儿急吗?There is no sense of urgency on either side.两边都没有紧迫感。The UN representative stressed the urgency of a speedy solution.联合国代表强调了尽快解决问题的紧迫性。There was a note of urgency in his voice.他的嗓音里带一种急迫的口气。This is a matter of great urgency.这是件非常紧迫的事情。His consciousness of the urgency of the situation encouraged him to hurry.他意识到情况紧急,这促使他加快脚步。The message conveyed a sense of urgency.这条消息传达出一种紧迫感。Your doctor and health visitor can help a great deal and you need to talk about it with them as a matter of urgency.你的医生和家访护士会帮很大的忙。你应该和他们谈一谈,这是当务之急。The response to this raises the question of strategy to new levels of urgency.对此的回应引发了应对新层面紧急情况的策略问题。The bomb attack lent a new urgency to the peace talks.炸弹袭击使和谈问题更加紧迫。They say they are dealing with the problem, but there seems to be no sense of urgency.他们说他们正在处理这个问题,但给人的感觉似乎是他们并不着急。The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status.高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。The new law should be introduced as a matter of urgency.新的法律应该作为当务之急而采用。There was an urgency in her movements.她的动作急火火的。She was surprised at the urgency in his voice.他语调中透着急迫,这让她很吃惊。Everyone agrees on the urgency of the situation.大家一致认为情况紧急。There was urgency in his tone.他的语气中有一种急切感。They recognize the urgency of righting the economy.他们认识到了经济上拨乱反正的紧迫性。There is a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules.这次碰巧有紧急情况,如果您能通融一下就好了。The refugee situation must now be addressed as a matter of urgency.难民境况现在必须作为紧急问题来处理。I need to talk to him as a matter of urgency.我急需和他谈一谈。The approach of the deadline quickened our sense of urgency.最后期限的临近加重了我们的紧迫感。This is a matter of the utmost importance/urgency. 这是一件最重要/最紧急的事。




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