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词汇 upturn
例句 Only in the last two years have we seen signs of an economic upturn.只是到了前两年我们才看到经济好转的迹象。The arrival of such luxuries betokened an upturn in the luck of Serra do Bura.塞拉·杜·布拉收到这些奢侈品,这表明她的运气好转。As business improved, his income took an upturn.随着生意的好转,他的收入增加了。Many companies are seeing an upturn in business.许多公司生意正在好转。Their fortunes have taken an upturn in recent months.最近几个月他们时来运转。We expect to be in a good position for the upturn when it comes.我们希望能在形势转好时处于优势地位。Brisk exports highlight the upturn of the economy.出口活跃显出经济在好转。The upturn in aviation traffic will help lift demand for commercial aircraft.航空交通的增加将有助于提高对商用飞机的需求量。They do not expect an upturn in the economy until the end of the year.他们预期要到年底经济才能有所好转。Last month saw an unexpected upturn in property prices.上月房地产价格意外上涨。Their best hope is a sharp upturn in demand from the industrial countries.他们最希望的是工业发达国家的需求骤然回升。There has been a modest upturn in most parts of the industry.该行业的绝大部分领域都出现了一定程度的好转。Sales are on the upturn.销量正在上升。It is hoped that these measures will trigger the long-awaited upturn in the economy.希望这些措施能带来盼望已久的经济复苏。The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending.财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。We think we see signs of an upturn, but it's early days yet, of course.我们认为我们看到了好转的迹象,但当然现在还言之过早。In all probability, the final upturn in their fortunes is some months away yet.很可能再过数月他们才会转运。




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