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词汇 upstairs
例句 He posted upstairs, taking three steps at once.他三步并作一步疾奔上楼。He's upstairs, revising for an exam.他在楼上温习功课迎考。I'm thinking of renting the upstairs rooms to students.我在考虑把楼上的房间出租给学生居住。He went upstairs to become board chairman.他高升为委员会的主席。Patricia went upstairs to put on some lipstick.帕特里夏上楼去擦口红。She had departed upstairs for a lie-down.她去了楼上小睡一会儿。He was kicked upstairs, given a fancy title, and stripped of most of his power.他明升暗降,得了个好听的头衔,却被剥夺了大部分的权力。I'll take the call upstairs.我要上楼接电话。My secretary was becoming difficult, so I kicked her upstairs and made her secretary of the company.我的秘书开始变得别别扭扭的,所以我把她明升暗降地调去担任公司的秘书。Someone upstairs was singing off-key.楼上有人唱歌走调了。He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard.他挽起她的手臂,带她匆匆上了楼,这样别人就听不见他们说的话了。When the great man arrived, the club's manager personally escorted him upstairs.大人物到达后,该俱乐部的经理亲自送他上楼。She was watching him from an upstairs window.她正从楼上的窗户观察他。The painters are upstairs painting the offices at the moment.漆匠们现在正在楼上油漆办公室。Marcia was still upstairs, dithering over what she should pack.马西娅还在楼上,对该拿哪些东西装箱带上仍然拿不定主意。Mary went upstairs to look for Dean and seconds later I heard a blood-curdling scream.玛丽上楼去找迪安,没过几秒钟我听到了一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫。The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room.人们觉得火是从楼上的一个房间烧起来的。She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs.她听见楼上传来说话声,吓了一跳。We carried Ros upstairs and laid her on the spare bed.我们把罗斯抬到楼上,把她放在备用的床上。Carry these cases upstairs while I book the guests in.你把这些箱子拿上楼去,我给客人们办一下手续。The children are upstairs in bed.孩子们在楼上睡觉。They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive.他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。Why don't we go upstairs where it's more private?我们为什么不到楼上去呢?那里清静些。He's upstairs doing his homework, believe it or not.他在楼上做功课,信不信由你。Archie led the way upstairs.阿奇带路上楼。I could hear someone moving around upstairs.我听到有人在楼上来回走动。They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you?他们都在楼上睡着了,但你不介意留神听着点以防万一吧?I went upstairs for my afternoon siesta.我上楼去睡午觉。Emma put her bag down and went upstairs.埃玛把她的包放到地上,上楼去了。When he went upstairs, she was fast asleep.当他上楼时,她已睡熟了。There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while!我以为你在努力工作,可你却一直在楼上睡觉!I could hear feet shuffling and pattering about upstairs.我听到楼上有人拖着脚步啪嗒啪嗒地在走。Greg carried the pile of ironed shirts upstairs.格雷格把一叠熨好的衬衫捧到楼上去。The boys are curled asleep in the small bedroom upstairs.男孩们蜷缩在楼上的小卧室里睡熟了。They watched from an upstairs window.他们从楼上的窗口观望。He went upstairs and had a quick shave.他到楼上去很快刮了一下脸。He ran blindly upstairs.他看也不看地就往楼上跑。I finished off the hoovering upstairs.我完成了楼上的吸尘打扫工作。We're having the upstairs carpeted.我们正在请人在楼上铺地毯。They called her down from upstairs to answer the telephone.他们把她从楼上叫下来接电话。




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