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例句 Contrary to expectations, we didn't have any hold-ups.同预料的情况相反,我们没有遇到任何障碍。For now the only bright spots in the labor market are small businesses and high-tech start-ups.目前劳动力市场上唯一的亮点是小企业和新兴高科技公司。We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery.在经济复苏的过程中,我们一定会经历一些曲折起伏。For first time mothers-to-be, the importance of regular check-ups cannot be stressed enough.初次怀孕的妇女去作定期检查是非常重要的。The new health promotion clinic will provide free check-ups.那家进行健康宣传活动的新诊所将提供免费体检。She's ready to dish on boys, beauty, and break-ups in her new column.她准备在新开的栏目里大谈有关男人、美容和感情破裂方面的事。There has been a series of cock-ups.已经出现了一系列的问题。The Web site is full of pop-ups.这个网站全是弹出式广告。Grown-ups are so boring! All they ever do is talk!大人真无聊!他们总是说个没完!If we are going to win the contract, we can't afford any more slip-ups.如果想要获得合同,我们就不能再出差错了。She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups.她去医生那里接受常规体检。The attitude of grown-ups has changed.成年人的态度改变了。He has had more ups than downs in his time.他一生中走运多,倒霉少。Love is like a roller coaster, it has ups and downs.爱像云霄飞车,它有起有落。The two brothers had frequent flare-ups.弟兄俩时常吵架。The commission's conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups.委员会的结论将十年来的否认和掩饰无情地揭开。He had his ups and downs.他有过得意之时,也有过倒霉之日。Preseason games are tune-ups for the regular season.季前赛是常规赛的热身。But the soldier's lawyers have said she was following orders from higher-ups.但是该士兵的律师说她不过是在依上级命令行事而已。We have our ups and downs like all couples.我们的关系也有起起落落,跟所有的夫妻一样。Internet start-ups are being helped by companies willing to lease them Web servers and space.互联网新兴公司得到了一些愿意向他们出租网络服务器和网络空间的公司的帮助。Regular tune-ups kept the car running smoothly.定期调整发动机能让汽车顺畅行驶。The wind caused flare-ups and pushed the blaze closer to inhabited areas.风引火蹿,并把火焰刮向居民区。If you give the engine regular tune-ups, it will last much longer.如果定期对发动机进行微调保养,就能大大延长它的使用寿命。He is here for medical check-ups and a debriefing by State Department officials.他来这里是接受体检和国务院官员询问的。There were many flare-ups during the last days of their marriage.在他们婚姻的最后日子里发生了许多激烈争执。There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place.据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生。The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。We all have our hang-ups.我们大家都有自己的烦恼。Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢?Regular medical check-ups are advisable.定期检查身体是明智的。He has had a checkered career with many ups and downs.他的职业生涯经历了许多起落。We had some good nosh-ups on holiday.节日期间,我们吃了几顿丰盛的大餐。At your age, you should have regular check-ups.你这样的年龄,应该定期体检。He is here for medical check-ups and debriefing by State Department officials.他来此是进行身体检查,并听取国务院官员的汇报。Her books appeal to both children and grown-ups.她的书不论儿童还是成年人都爱看。Several start-ups were bankrupted by the high cost of producing original content.新开的几家公司因出版原创内容的高成本而破产了。They're just ordinary people with all the usual hang-ups about love.他们只是普通人,也和常人一样为情苦恼。I don't have any hang-ups about my body.我一点也不担心自己的身体。The reporter gave Philip one of the worst write-ups of his career.那记者对菲利普的生涯作了一次最坏的报道。




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