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He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer.他没有任何劳动技能就到巴黎找起了工作。The report shows that a disproportionate number of black women do unskilled, low-paid work.该报告显示有相当多的黑人妇女从事无需特殊技能的低报酬工作。In the US, minorities and immigrants have generally gone into low-paid, unskilled jobs.在美国,少数族裔和移民一般都会从事低薪水、无需特殊技能的工作。The new jobs would largely be unskilled and a high proportion would be in inner city areas.新职位大都不需要技术,而且大部分都在市中心贫民区。This is an unskilled painting.这是幅拙劣的画。Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.习以为常的种族歧视在英国社会盛行,外来移民工人发觉自己都在做非技术性工作,社会地位低下。At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.到了一定的年龄,就不可能再退回去干不需要技能的工作。Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled.离开该省出国打工的人大部分没有经过专门训练。It is unskilled work done by unschooled people.这是没受过正规教育的人干的粗活。Many farm labourers left the countryside and swelled the ranks of unskilled labourers in the cities.许多农工离乡出走,大大增加了城里非熟练工人的数量。The workforce is mainly unskilled and casual.这些劳动力大部分是不熟练的临时工。Europe also offers higher wages for unskilled work .欧洲也为非专业技能工种提供较高的工资。It was a low-paid, unskilled job.这是一份薪水低、无需专门训练的工作。The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.劳动力中非熟练工人的人数正在减少。With no education, you will get only unskilled work.未受过教育,你只能做无需技能的简单工作。There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.日本已经全面禁止国外非熟练工入境。Shoeing a horse is a skilled job, and no unskilled person should try it.给马钉蹄铁是一项需要技术的工作,没有技术的人就不应该去尝试。 |