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词汇 unprecedented
例句 Today we rely on computer technology to an unprecedented degree.如今我们对计算机技术的依赖已经到了空前的程度。The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.仪式因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断。An unprecedented boom in tourism brought prosperity to the town.旅游业前所未有的景气给小镇带来了繁荣。Each home boasts an unprecedented level of quality throughout.每家的质量都堪称一流。An unprecedented number of cars entered the race.参加比赛的汽车之多前所未有。The computer animation offers an unprecedented level of realism.电脑动画将现实主义提高到前所未有的水平。The Governor faces an unprecedented recall election.州长正面临着前所未有的罢免选举。There was an unprecedented shortage of aircraft available for charter at that time.那时可供包租的飞机空前缺乏。Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.这些政策需要各国展开史无前例的合作。She has presided over the district during a period of unprecedented growth.这一地区在她掌管期间经历了前所未有的增长。Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces.足球运动员们对阶梯看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.仪式因前所未有的起哄和喊口号声而中断。Spain issued an unprecedented apology yesterday over the vile racist soccer chants.西班牙队昨天破天荒头一回就足球赛场上令人反感的种族主义加油口号作出道歉。Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.这样的政策要求国家间进行空前的合作。The team has enjoyed unprecedented success this year.这支球队今年取得了空前的成功。The police took the unprecedented step of publishing the victim's photograph.警方公布了被害者的相片,这是史无前例的。The rate of growth was unprecedented.这个成长率是前所未有的。It is totally unprecedented for a man to win two lottos in a row.一个人可以连赢两次乐透可说是史无前例的。An unprecedented number of students are taking the class.选修这门课的学生比以前任何时候都多。Expenditure raced up and up to an unprecedented level.支出费用一再急剧上升,达到前所未有的水准。Then came a period of unprecedented wealth and prosperity.然后出现了一段空前的富裕和繁荣时期。This level of growth is unprecedented.这种增长速度是前所未有的。The scheme has been hailed as an unprecedented success.这个方案被誉为是一个空前的成功。The flood waters have risen to unprecedented levels.洪水已升至历史最高水位。America's trade deficit ballooned to unprecedented levels.美国的贸易逆差飙升至前所未有的水平。For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.对于通常无法统一行动的各个教会来说,今天这一前所未有的举动无疑更加非同寻常。There has been an unprecedented demand for tickets.对门票的需求是空前的。Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠,也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。The frankness of the interview was unprecedented.会见的坦率实为罕见。The expansion of the European Union had brought unprecedented neighbourliness and prosperity to Europe.欧盟的发展壮大给欧洲带来了前所未有的繁荣和睦邻关系。The French president is enjoying unprecedented popularity due to his anti-war stance.由于他的反战立场,法国总统享有前所未有的声望。This is an unprecedented natural disaster.这是一场空前的自然灾害。The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence.政府迈出史无前例的一步,公开了机密信件。The Prime Minister took the unprecedented step of publishing details of the conversation in the press.首相采取了前所未有的举动,把谈话细节公诸媒体。Such a move is rare, but not unprecedented.这样的举动是罕见的,但并非没有先例。




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