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词汇 jaw
例句 His last punch caught me in the jaw.他最后一拳打中了我的下巴。His jaw numbed and his teeth ached.他的下巴麻木了,牙痛不止。She received a serious jaw injury in an off-the-ball incident.她在无球跑位时出了事,下颌严重受伤。I could see the muscles in his jaw clench.我看得出来他下巴的肌肉绷紧了。His jaw muscles tightened.他下巴的肌肉变紧了。His jaw muscles knotted with anger.他气得连颌肌都暴突出来了。After her tooth was pulled, her jaw was painfully swollen.拔牙后,她的下巴又疼又肿。The disease continued to spread until it involved the entire jaw.这种病持续扩散,一直影响到整个下颌。His jaw was tightly clenched.他紧咬牙关。His jaw dropped in surprise.他惊讶得下巴都快掉下来了。The dentist filled two teeth in my lower jaw.医生把我下颌牙齿中的两颗补了一下。My fist glanced off his jaw.我的拳头斜擦着他的下巴而过。He has a strong/square jaw.他长着结实的/方下巴。She gave him a sock in the jaw/stomach.她对准他的下巴/腹部重重一击。He had a baby fuzz round his jaw.他的下巴上长着细细的胡须。He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw.他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。I hit him on the jaw and knocked him out.我一拳击在他下巴上,把他打晕了。The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.拳击手看准机会朝着对手的下颚猛击过去。He planted a kiss on her forehead/a blow on his opponent's jaw.他在她的额头上吻了一下/一拳打在对手的下巴上。The boy's jaw went slack.那个男孩张大了嘴巴。I gave him a sock on the jaw.我朝他的下巴猛击一拳。He rubbed his sore jaw.他搓了搓酸痛的下巴。His jaw dropped when he heard who had won.他一听到胜者是谁后便目瞪口呆了。Rod rubbed his jaw to ease the pain a little.罗德揉着下颚以稍稍减轻疼痛。His fist landed forcefully against Mike's jaw.他的拳头重重地落在迈克的下巴上。There is no long, slender mandible of a lower jaw in the whales.这种鲸鱼没有细长的颔下颚骨。If he keeps on chasing married women he's likely to draw a punch in jaw.要是他继续追求有夫之妇,很可能吃拳头。He socked him in the eye/nose/jaw.他对准他的眼睛/鼻子/下巴重重一击。He popped the child on the jaw.他猛击孩子的颌部。A stiff right to the jaw laid the boxer out in the second round.第二回合时这拳击手下颚挨了右手重拳被打昏了。Ken's jaw jutted with determination.肯坚定地扬起下颌。He hit him with a left hook to the jaw.他朝他的下巴来了一记左勾拳。He suffered a broken jaw in the accident.他在事故中把下巴碰破了。He jutted out his jaw humorously.他伸出下巴,做出一副滑稽样子。She punched him square on the jaw.她一拳不偏不倚正中他的下颌。He unclenched his jaw and took deep breaths.他张大嘴巴,深吸了几口气。He felt Michelle's fist connect with his jaw.他感到米歇尔的拳头砸在他的下巴上。Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger.帕奇只得咬紧牙关压住怒气。She worked her lower jaw back and forth.她前后动了动下巴。His jaw was clenched tight.他紧咬牙关。




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