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词汇 Unknown
例句 Unknown to his wife, Ron had been having an affair.妻子并不知道,罗恩有了外遇。We met near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.我们在无名战士墓地附近碰头。This monument is sacred to the memory of the Unknown Soldiers.这一纪念碑是为纪念无名将士而建立的。Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire.来路不明的袭击者用枪炮将两处住宅打得千疮百孔。Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment.不知名的窃贼破门闯入了公寓。Unknown to her, I had already seen my lawyer.我已经背着她见过我的律师了。Unknown assailants stabbed a British tourist and wounded his wife.一些身份不明的歹徒刺死了一名英国游客,并刺伤了他的妻子。Unknown to me, the office had opened early, and all the tickets had been sold.我不知道票房提早开门,所有的票都卖完了。Unknown to the MP, his secretary had already spoken to reporters.这位议员还不知道,他的秘书已跟记者说了。




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