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词汇 United States
例句 Marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.大麻仍然是美国最常见的非法毒品。It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede.它也请了英国与美国进行斡旋。I'll ask at the post office what the postage is on a letter to the United States.我去邮局问一下,寄往美国的信要多少邮费。They were living in a time when expansion to the Pacific was regarded by many people as the Manifest Destiny of the United States.在他们生活的那个年代,许多人把向太平洋扩张视为美国的天定命运论。Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts.现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.美国和以色列在要求联合国对屠杀事件开展调查这一问题上意见相左。The annexation of the Republic of Texas by the United States took place in 1845.德克萨斯共和国于一八四五年被并入美国版图。The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island's umbilical cord to the United States.这次全民公决将会促使波多黎各进一步摆脱对美国的依靠。I spent one year in the service and did not come back to the United States until after I was demobilized.我在部队里呆了一年,直到复员以后才回到美国。The militancy of feminist movements in England and the United States had begun to spread to the Continent.英格兰和美国女权运动的战斗精神已经开始蔓延到欧洲大陆了。This could only happen in the United States – nowhere else in the world!这仅仅可能发生在美国,不会发生在世界上的其他任何地方!His father ran a farm in Northwestern United States.他父亲在美国西北部经营一个农场。The United States resisted an arms cut-off.美国拒绝切断武器供应。A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.一个美国代表团正在日本为一大型科研项目寻求资助。Philadelphia was the original capital of the United States.费拉德尔非亚是美国的旧都。They will consider a plan that could involve a quick visit to the United States.他们将考虑制订一份计划,有可能要把对美国的短期访问包括进去。The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy.美国已经撤回了大使馆的剩余人员。The United States stood alone in its refusal to sign the treaty.美国一意孤行,拒绝签署条约。He went to the United States around 1987.他约莫在一九八七年去美国的。The United States is a daughter of Great Britain.美国是从英国独立出来的。The years of the American Revolution were an epoch in the history of the United States.美国独立战争时的岁月是美国历史上的重要时期。The United States must soldier on, for to abandon Iraq to its fate now would be irresponsible.美国必须撑下去,因为现在抛弃伊拉克使之听天由命,那就是不负责任。In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people.在美国,多数派代表民众执政。The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government.唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员。The United States is still a Mecca for film-makers.美国仍旧是电影制片人的圣地。Last week he brought his family over from the United States.上周他把家眷从美国迁来。During her first year in the United States, she was seriously unhappy.在美国的第一年,她过得非常不开心。Entry into the United States would require consular invoice in quadruplicate.在美国办理报关手续需要四份领事发票。The United States Constitution invests the President with certain powers. 美国宪法赋予总统一定的权力。And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.促进墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣将有助于解决与我们大家息息相关的诸多问题。Their contact in the United States Embassy was called Phil.他们在美国大使馆的熟人叫菲尔。The United States had replaced Great Britain as the dominant world power.美国取代英国成为了头号世界强国。She held dual citizenship in France and the United States. 她拥有法国和美国双重国籍。Of course, we want to be part of Europe, but at the same time we must be careful not to lose our close relationship with the United States.当然我们想成为欧洲的一部分,然而我们必须谨慎,不能失去与美国的亲密关系。His advisers are rightfully hesitant to let the United States be sucked into the conflict.他的顾问们都理所当然地有所犹豫,不愿让美国卷入冲突之中。The United States didn't affix its signature to the biodiversity treaty.美国没有在生物多样性条约上签字。The United States was tops in finance and services…美国在金融业与服务业方面无可匹敌。The United States took the lead in trying to salvage a deal at the peace talks.美国负责在和平谈判中设法挽回一项协议。He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.他为本周达成的武器协议而欢呼,但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。Marijuana is illegal in the United States.大麻在美国是非法的。




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