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词汇 blessing
例句 We asked the Lord's blessing on us and on our project.我们祈求上帝赐福给我们以及我们的计划。The government has given its official blessing to the project.政府已正式批准这个项目。He gave his blessing to the plan. 他赞成这项计划。They were determined to marry, with or without their parents' blessing.不管父母同意与否,他们都决心要结婚。Having children so early in their marriage was a mixed blessing.他们婚后不久就有了孩子,有好处也有坏处。Having Richard in your team is rather a mixed blessing.让理查德加入你们队多半是有利也有弊。It's a blessing no-one was badly hurt.所幸没有人受重伤。Getting into the team is a mixed blessing - I'll have to spend a lot of time training.加入这支球队有好处也有坏处——我得花许多时间训练。The blessing was said in Hebrew.祷告用的是希伯来语。They got married without their parents' blessing.他们没有征得父母同意就结婚了。The country's leaders gave their formal blessing to the idea.国家领导人正式同意了这个构想。She received the full blessing of her employers.她得到了雇主们的全力支持。The new office is a mixed blessing. It's nicely decorated, but very small.新办公室有好处也有问题,装饰得很漂亮,但面积非常小。It's a blessing that you came when you did.你那时候来真是幸运。With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.在白宫的支持下,一群民主党国会议员将开会寻求进一步缩减预算。A church service is often concluded with a blessing.礼拜常以祈神赐福而结束。He said a blessing before the meal.他饭前做了祷告。He went off to Latin America with his mother's blessing.征得母亲的同意后他去了拉丁美洲。Being famous can be a blessing and a curse.出名是件让人喜忧参半的事情。We thank our colleagues for their blessing on this enterprise.我们感谢同人们对这一事业的赞助。God's blessing is on all of us here.上帝赐福给我们这里所有的人。I never heard you ask a blessing on your parents.我从未听见你饭前为父母作祈祷。Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have now got a much better one.没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已得到一个好得多的工作。The priest intoned the blessing.神父庄重地念了祷文。I must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.失去那份工作真是因祸得福。He says that computers are a mixed blessing because sometimes they help and sometimes they create problems.他说计算机有好处也有坏处,因为有时它们能帮上忙,有时又会惹麻烦。It's a blessing no one is hurt.真是幸事,无一人受伤。The priest performed the blessing of the fishing boats.牧师祈求上帝保佑那些渔船。They got married with their parents'blessing.他们在父母的祝福下结了婚。For ordinary Italians, Sunday's news probably amounts to a mixed blessing.对普通的意大利人民来说,星期天的新闻可以说是悲喜交加。E-mail can be a blessing if you travel a lot in business.如果你经常出差,那么电子邮件真能帮你大忙。The promotion was really a mixed blessing because I'm now so busy that I don't have time to spend the extra income.那次升职真是有利有弊,现在我忙得都没时间去花那些多挣的钱。Living next to your in-laws can be a mixed blessing.和姻亲做邻居有利有弊。Having your parents living nearby is a mixed blessing.父母住得近有利也有弊。A Brahmin priest was blessing a groom, his bride, and their large families.一位婆罗门牧师正在祝福新郎、新娘和他们的大家庭。I went on the trip with my parents' blessing.我得到父母同意后去旅行了。Please accept my blessing upon your marriage.请接受我对你们婚姻的祝福。Good health is an invaluable blessing.身体健康是千金难买的好福气。My daughter is a blessing to me in my old age.上了年纪有我女儿真是我的福气。




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