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词汇 海上
例句 The boat wallowed in the storing sea.那条船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸而行。China has huge offshore and onshore oil reserves.中国有丰富的海上和陆上石油储备。She undoubtedly met Captain Waite at sea.她在海上一定遇见了韦特船长。The resort has a nautical flavour.这个度假胜地尽显海上风情。They hoped to defeat the enemy at sea.他们希望在海上击败敌人。Many people are superstitious about death at sea.许多人对在海上遇难存有迷信。It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.海上漂泊数月之后又回到陆地,真是太好了。A storm blew in off the ocean.一场风暴从海上袭来。He tried to find out how a ship at sea could determine its longitude.他试图弄清海上船只如何才能测定出所在位置的经度。The fog sheeted in from the sea.雾从海上大片大片弥漫过来。It had begun to rain, a fine mist drifting in from the sea.开始下雨了,一阵如烟的薄雾从海上渐渐飘来。They weathered a terrible storm while at sea.他们在海上经历了一场可怕的暴风雨。I had to make a controlled landing into the sea.我只好将飞机迫降在海上The empty boat was floating on the sea.那艘空船在海上漂浮。In those days visiting the island meant a long uncomfortable voyage across choppy seas.那时候,到那岛上去意味着要在波浪滔滔的海上颠簸很长时间。The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。The storm clouds were gathering over the sea.暴风云在大海上空聚集。They felt lost and alone on the vast, boundless sea.他们在浩瀚无际的大海上漂泊,孤零零的,不知所措。The Estonians have always been seafarers.爱沙尼亚人总是在海上漂泊。Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any cargo it is carrying, at sea and in port.海上和港口,船长对船只、船员和货物都有控制权。He liked to tell war stories from his life as a sea captain.他喜欢讲他在海上当船长时的冒险经历。Diego Garcia gives the U. S. A. strategic position astride major sea lanes.迪戈加西亚岛使美国获得一种控制海上主要航道的战略地位。The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.这条木船建成后能经受住海上各种各样的天气条件。The boat lurched in the rough seas.小船在波涛汹涌的大海上颠簸。The Navy discovered some large buoys with Chinese writings on them in the South China Sea.海军在南海上发现一些写有中文的大浮筒。On the chilly seas, Keats became feverish, continually coughing up blood.在寒冷彻骨的海上,基茨开始发烧,不断地咯血。Their friendship grew on a sea voyage to the Philippines.他们的友谊是在一次去菲律宾的海上之旅中发展起来的。The sunrise as seen on the sea was a fine spectacle.海上看到的日出真是美妙的奇观。A cool breeze blew in off the sea.凉爽的微风从海上吹来。The tanker ran aground in heavy seas.油轮在波涛汹涌的大海上搁浅。After a few weeks in the ocean, the boat began to corrode.小船在海上漂泊几周后开始受腐蚀。A high sea was running that night.那天晚上海上巨浪汹涌。He steered the dinghy through the maze of derelicts.他驾驶着小艇在有如迷宫般的海上弃船中穿行。The sewage was dumped at sea.污水被倾倒在海上He had enough of the seagoing life.他对海上生活感到厌腻了。Heavy seas prevented salvage teams from landing on the wreck.巨浪使海上救援队无法登上失事船只残骸。He works on an offshore oil rig.他在海上钻井平台工作。The admiral has written a book about his experiences on the sea.这位海军上将写了一本有关他海上阅历的书。There's a storm moving in from the ocean.暴风雨从海上袭来。Strong currents and winds swept their boat out to sea.强劲的水流和大风把他们的小船冲到了海上




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