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词汇 blends
例句 The architect's brief is to design an extension that is modern but blends with the rest of the building.设计指令是,建筑物扩建部分的设计既要现代化,又要与其余的部分保持和谐。The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings.这座砖建筑物随着时间的推移会变得古色古香,与周围的环境融为一体。Their music blends jazz and pop in a stylish contemporary sound.他们的音乐以时髦的现代声音把爵士乐和流行音乐交融在一起。The music blends traditional and modern melodies.这首乐曲糅合了传统旋律和现代旋律。The fish settles on the sandy ocean bottom where it blends in perfectly.那条鱼停在海底的沙子上,与周边环境完全融为了一体。The new hotel blends perfectly with the immediate surroundings.新旅馆与周围环境极好地融为一体。The flavor of the sauce blends well with the fruit. 这种酱跟水果配在一起非常好吃。Li blends right into the crowd of teenagers. Only his accent sets him apart.李完全融入到这群青少年当中,只有他的口音跟他们不一样。This tie blends with your striped suit.这条领带同你那套条纹西装很相配。The poem blends the separate ingredients into a unity.这首诗把几个分开的组成部分联成一个整体。The ballet company's repertoire blends tradition and creative innovation.这个芭蕾舞团的节目把传统和创新融合在一起。The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.这所老房子和这里的乡村十分协调。Her first novel successfully blends a sense of innocence with overwhelming bitterness.她的第一部小说把纯真感和强烈的愤恨成功地交融在一起。Make sure that the blusher blends in with the foundation.一定要使腮红和粉底贴合。The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package.这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。She blends psychology and crime in her new novel.她在自己的新小说里把心理学和犯罪行为糅合在了一起。The ornamental pool blends perfectly with its surroundings.这个装饰性池塘与周围的环境完美地融为一体。One color blends into another.一种颜色融入另一种颜色之中。He makes up his own blends of flour.他自己和了一些面粉。We don't know whether multiculturalism blends or separates cultures.我们不知道多元文化究竟是融合还是分裂文化。




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