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词汇 add insult to injury
例句 He said when she arrived that he wished she had never come, and then added insult to injury by refusing to speak to her for the rest of her visit.她来时他说但愿她没来;然后伤害之外又加污辱,在她逗留期间他一直拒绝与她说话。Most people were forced to work longer hours each week, and to add insult to injury, the company decided not to give pay raises.多数人被迫每周延长工时,更糟糕的是,公司还决定不给加薪。We started off late; to add insult to injury, our car broke down on the way.我们出发得晚,更糟的是,我们的汽车又在路上抛了锚。The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!银行不但拒绝退钱给我,还要在伤口上撒一把盐,就连通知我的这封信也要向我收费!She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, allowed him to pay for her meal.她不仅骗了他,更恶劣的是还让他付了饭钱。They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!他们说我太老了,做不了这个工作。更让人受不了的是,他们还拒绝支付我的费用!She runs off with another man, and to add insult to injury demands huge sums in alimony.她跟另一个男人跑了,更糟的是还索要巨额赡养费。




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