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例句 Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses.可以让实习护士量血压。The studies were undertaken by people working in education.这些研究是教育工作者开展的。At present there are five major new building projects being undertaken nationwide.目前全国有五个新的重大建设项目正在进行中。Further research was undertaken into this phenomenon.这一现象仍在进一步研究。A thorough excavation of the site was undertaken.已开始对该遗址进行全面发掘。They had no conception of the magnitude of what they had undertaken.他们对自己所从事事业的重要性一无所知。The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.一群环保人士正在着手实施这一新的研究计划。A number of very well designed studies have been undertaken.已经进行了多项精心规划的研究。A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies.与石油公司合作进行过一项研究。Sanctions will be more effective if they are undertaken in concert by a group of countries.如果一批国家联手采取制裁措施,将会更加有效。Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.必须经常修订课程设置以确保课程始终具有实用性。It is one of the largest dam projects ever undertaken.这是人类所建造的最大的水坝工程之一。A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.一群火车迷已担负起重造蒸汽机车的任务。The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.展开调查主要是为了安抚那些压力集团。The report outlines the efforts undertaken by the industry.报告概述了该行业所作出的努力。Both men had argued that their trips had been undertaken in their capacity as front bench spokesmen.两人都争辩说他们的旅行是在作为前座议员发言人的权限内进行的。The work was undertaken by members of the committee.此项工作由委员会成员承担。They have undertaken a careful restoration of the building.他们对大楼进行了细致的修复。I have undertaken all the enquiries personally. There is no one else in the know.我亲自负责回答一应询问。没有其他人知道内情。I personally guarantee total and immediate support in all measures undertaken.对于所采取的一切措施,我个人保证将给予全面而及时的支持。




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