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I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset.我一直搞不懂他为什么不一开始就同意我们的要求。It is understood that the veteran reporter had a heart attack.大家以为那个老记者犯心脏病了。Washington was last night doing its best to mend fences with the Europeans, saying it understood their concerns.昨晚,华盛顿尽最大努力与欧洲各国修好,称理解其担忧。She doesn't speak French well, but she can make herself understood.她法语说得不太好,但是能让别人听明白。Buddhists have long understood the dangers of too much pride in ownership.佛教徒很早就认识到轻慢之心的危险。She placed the emphasis on the word "soon" in order to make sure was understood.她强调说要“很快”,确保每个人都明白她的意思。He made it understood/known that he expected us to help.他让我们明白/知道他希望得到我们的帮助。Confidentially, I am not sure they understood.私底下说,我不能肯定他们已经明白了。I managed to make myself understood with the help of a phrase book.在短语手册的帮助下我设法让别人明白了我的意思。We only dimly understood.我们只是隐约明白了。The witness said he understood that he was swearing to give true and correct information.证人说他明白他是在发誓要提供真实无误的资料。He was the only person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement.他是唯一能看懂协议中所有那些晦涩难解的繁缛条文的人。He said he hadn't understood the rules, and we let it go at that.他说他不懂这些规则,我们也就算了。This effect was imperfectly understood by designers at that time.当时的设计者们没有完全理解这种效果。Ben asked a few questions to make sure he understood what to do.本问了几个问题,确保自己明白要怎么做。The concept of freedom has been variously understood by different people.不同的人对自由的概念有不同的理解。Some computer instructions cannot be readily understood.一些电脑指令不是很容易理解。He understood the basic logic of deterrence.他理解威慑的基本逻辑。Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。The law had been understood in broad terms.人们一直是从广义上理解这部法律。From childhood it was understood that your parents would choose your husband.从小你就知道父母会为你挑选丈夫。I understood very little of what she said.她说的话我只能听懂一点点。This statement must be understood in the context of the entire document.这个说法必须放在整个文件当中去理解。The verb may be either expressed or understood.这个动词可用可不用。Jerome Bettis correctly called tails but the referee understood him to say heads.杰罗姆·贝蒂斯猜对了,是反面,但裁判却以为他说的是正面。From personal experience, she knew and understood the problems of alcohol addiction.她有切身体会,知道并理解染上酒瘾所带来的种种问题。It is understood that children must be kept quiet.不言而喻,必须使孩子们保持安静。Dillons is understood to be reorganising the company's management structure.据说狄龙斯正在重组公司的管理架构。She understood his meaning, if not his words, and took his advice.她即便没听懂他的话,也明白了他的意思,并且接受了他的建议。If I've understood you correctly...如果我对你的话理解得没错⋯We understood your point, there's no need to recapitulate.我们明白你的想法了,没必要做概括了。She intuitively understood his need to be alone.她凭直觉就知道他需要独处。It would be nice to have someone who really understood me, a friend.要是有个真正理解我的人、有个朋友就好了。Although I understood her reasoning, I did not agree with her decision.尽管我理解她的推理,但我不同意她的决定。The cell chemistry of these insects is, for the most part, poorly understood.对于这些昆虫的细胞化学一般了解得很少。I thought it was understood you wouldn't come after midnight.我还以为半夜了你肯定不会来。I'm not very good at German, but I can make myself understood.我德语不是太好,不过我能说清楚自己的意思。Are you quite sure that he understood your instructions?你肯定他明白你的指示吗?He understood so much about our national character.他深谙我们的民族性格。We still don't fully understand the causes of the disease. = The causes of the disease are still not fully understood.我们尚未完全了解这种病的成因。 |