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例句 He had a large brown paper parcel under his left arm.他左臂下夹着一个大牛皮纸邮包。He was not listed under his real name on the residents panel.他未以真名在居民名册上登记。More and more women are choosing to go under the knife to improve their appearance.越来越多的女性选择接受外科手术来改善容貌。Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal?.巧合属于超自然现象吗?The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.进攻在炮火的掩护下开始了。They marched under the banner of equal educational opportunity.他们打着公平教育的旗号举行游行示威。Her application got/came in just under the wire. 她在最后期限前提交了申请。A committee was set up under the chairmanship of Edmund Compton.成立了一个委员会,由埃德蒙·康普顿担任主席。They were under constant close surveillance day and night.他们白天黑夜都受到严密监视。Fishing on this river is forbidden under a local bylaw.当地法规禁止在这条河里钓鱼。The division was under the command of General George.这个师由乔治将军指挥。They classify very different problems under a general rubric. 他们把截然不同的问题归在一个大类之下。First-time licence holders have to work under supervision.初获执照者必须在指导下工作。During the war, most reports were compiled under government restrictions.战时,大多数新闻报道都是在政府的限制下编写的。That case is under the jurisdiction of this court.那宗案件属本法庭受理范围。He had a newspaper tucked under his arm.他把报纸夹在胳膊下。The branch snapped under his weight.在他身体的重压下,树枝啪地一声折断了。The crowd watched as the ship went slowly under.人群看着船缓缓下沉。He was placed under restraint. 他受到了人身限制。Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life.道格拉斯扮演一个失意的普通美国人,他在日常生活压力下突然失控。An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.一个年老的乞丐睡在滑铁卢大桥下面,他把外衣包得紧紧的,以抵御寒冷。A gas main had cracked under my neighbour's garage and gas had seeped into our home.邻居车库下面的一根煤气总管裂开了,煤气渗进了我们家。He gave testimony under oath before the grand jury.他在大陪审团面前宣誓作证。He tried to drink me under the table.他竭力想把我喝趴下。I had a squint under the bed but couldn't find it.我瞟了一眼床下,但没有找到。The overseas Americans are under the flag of the American government.海外的美国人受美国政府的保护。Television newsreaders come under enormous strain.电视新闻播报员处于极大的压力之下。The people live under a constant threat of invasion.人民生活在随时遭侵略的威胁中。His father was under an accusation then.他父亲当时受到控告。Sonia burrows under the duvet.索尼娅钻到了羽绒被下面。He kept it all very much under his hat.在这件事儿上他嘴很紧。I've been so snowed under with work I just didn't have the time.我近来忙得不可开交,所以就抽不出时间来了。A brook ambled under an arched bridge.一条小溪在拱桥底下缓缓流淌。A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.一群军人奉总统之命控制了电视台。Gases liquefy under pressure.气体在压力作用下会液化。He claims his confession was extracted under torture.他声称自己是在刑讯逼供下认罪的。Harry knew that he was in love with Susie, completely under her spell.哈里知道自己爱上了苏茜,已经完全被她迷住了。Living under a tyranny deadens your moral sense.活在暴政下,人的道德感会淡漠。She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers.她把眼镜摘下来,又往被子里钻了钻。Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates.消费者被高利率压得透不过气来。




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