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词汇 undecided
例句 Some basic questions remain undecided.有些基本问题依旧悬而未决。The committee was undecided right up to the wire. 直到最后一刻委员会仍未做出决定。We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.我们将在接下来的十天好好努力,把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。She was undecided about what to do.她还没决定要做什么。A third of the voters remain undecided about how they will vote.三分之一的投票人仍未决定投谁的票。They are undecided as to whether to buy a new car.他们还没有决定是否买新汽车。He is still undecided about what to do.他仍未决定要做什么。The future of the school is undecided.学校的前途未卜。The question cannot be left undecided.这个问题不能悬而不决。He says he's counting on undecided voters to help him win next week's election.他说他寄希望于尚未作出决定的选民帮他赢得下周的选举。She is as yet undecided about her career.她还没有想好未来从事什么职业。After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.大学毕业后她仍决定不下来要从事什么职业。The government remains undecided on this issue.对此问题政府依然未作决定。The whole question is still undecided.整个问题仍然悬而未决。Nadine was undecided whether or not to go to college.娜丁尚未决定是否去上大学。He hesitated, undecided whether to go or stay.是去还是留,他犹豫不决。Many voters were still undecided in the days leading up to the election.很多选民在选举的前几天仍然犹豫不决。His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics.他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。He's undecided about which movie to see.他决定不了去看哪部电影。Much remains undecided about his future.对于他的将来尚有许多未知。She was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.她仍旧犹豫不决,不确定自己将来想从事哪种职业。I'm undecided whether to go to France or Italy for my holidays.我拿不定主意是去法国还是去意大利度假。There is still a large number of undecided voters.仍有大量选民犹豫不决。The question is still undecided.这个问题仍悬而未决。




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