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词汇 uninformed
例句 Many immigrants are uninformed about US tax laws. 许多移民对美国税法知之甚少。Cases of child abuse often go unreported or ignored by uninformed citizens.虐待儿童案件常常没人举报,或者为缺乏相关知识的公民所忽略。Many Americans are sadly uninformed about politics.很多美国人对政治完全是一无所知。The Vice-President gave the impression of being remarkably uninformed about South American affairs.副总统给人的印象是对南美洲的事务极其不了解。He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime.他不能抱怨说没人告诉他该政权的实质。Careless or uninformed decisions during these huge storms can lead to loss of life and property.在这些强烈的暴风雨期间,粗心大意的或无知的决定可能会导致生命和财产损失。Individuals with knowledge must attempt to educate the uninformed.有知识的人应当试着去教化那些无知者。I feel you have done your readers a great disservice in publishing such an uninformed piece.我觉得你发表这样一部内容空洞的作品会让读者大受其害。Parents were left anxious, uninformed, and isolated.家长们忧心忡忡,不知道情况到底如何,感到孤立无援。




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