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词汇 uncertain
例句 He told us in no uncertain terms not to come again.他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。I am still uncertain whether he will come today.我仍不能肯定他今天是否会来。You've got to let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you will no longer tolerate his abuse.你得直截了当地让他知道,你不会再忍受他的虐待。The sandbank was uncertain, like quicksand under his feet.那个沙坝并不稳固,他脚下如同踩着流沙一般。The director's sudden departure leaves the organization's future uncertain.主管突然离职使得这个组织前途未卜。He wandered around, uncertain of the direction to take.他四处徘徊,拿不准该走哪个方向。It's uncertain whether they will accept the plan.还不确定他们是否会接受这一方案。He seemed strangely uncertain as to how to continue.很奇怪,他好像不知道该如何继续下去。His research into the incident has left him uncertain as to exactly where responsibility lay.对该事件作了调查研究后,他无法确定究竟是谁的责任。They face a financially uncertain future.他们面临着经济状况捉摸不定的未来。The economic outlook was beginning to look uncertain.经济前景开始变得不甚明朗。I was told in no uncertain terms that Helen, wouldn't you know it, didn't approve.别人肯定地告诉我说海伦不赞成,难道你不知道。He told her in no uncertain manner that her actions were unacceptable.他明确告诉她,她的行为是不可接受的。The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt.女孩不知道该做什么,或者该使用什么样的语气。He has an uncertain temper.他的脾气难以捉摸。The news about the bomb made me uncertain about travelling to the area.发生炸弹袭击事件的消息让我不知道还要不要去那个地区旅游。Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.弗兰克实在拿不准这工作是不是适合他。The outcome of his case was uncertain.他这案子的结果难以预料。He expressed his disapproval in no uncertain terms. 他直截了当地表达了他的不赞成。His chances of victory are, at best, uncertain.他获胜的可能性至多也只能说是难以预料。For once I felt uncertain about my real feelings. I decided to play it cool.我平生第一次无法确定自己的真实感觉,于是便决定泰然处之。She told him in no uncertain terms to go away.她明白无误地叫他离她远远的。He was uncertain as to which road to take.他拿不准该走哪条路。She remains uncertain about her plans.她对自己的计划仍拿不准。I told Colin in no uncertain terms what I thought of him.我直截了当地告诉科林我对他的看法。Whether diet is an important factor in this illness is still uncertain.饮食是否是这种病的重要致病因素仍然无法确定。He stopped, uncertain how to put the question tactfully.他停下来,不知道怎样才能巧妙地提出那个问题。I was uncertain about what to do next.我拿不定主意接下来要做什么。We were rather uncertain of the direction it came from.我们都不太确定它是从哪个方向过来的。The hereafter was uncertain in medieval times.中世纪时,未来充满不确定性。With some hesitation and an uncertain smile, she held out her hand.她犹豫了一下,带着迟疑的微笑把手伸了出去。The economic outlook is so uncertain that I would think carefully before investing any money.经济前景这么不明朗,任何一笔投资我都要先仔细考虑。Susan was hovering in the background, uncertain what to do.苏珊在幕后走来走去,不知如何是好。The calf stood up slowly, with trembling limbs and took its first, uncertain steps.小牛犊四足颤抖着缓缓站起来,摇摇晃晃地迈出了第一步。Cost estimates are highly uncertain in this business.这一行业成本估算有很大的不确定性。My mother told me in no uncertain terms to never say that word again!我母亲明确地告诉我永远别再说那句话!I'm uncertain whether it will help or hinder.我不知道它将会对事情有帮助还是起妨碍作用。The long-term benefits of the treatment are extremely uncertain.这种疗法的长期好处极不明确。Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.露丝犹豫了一下,不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。Our plans for our holidays are uncertain.我们度假的计划尚未确定。




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