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词汇 闪亮
例句 I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。If you rub hard the knives will become really shiny.如果你使劲擦,小刀会变得非常闪亮The hills looked silvery in the moonlight.群山在月光下银光闪亮As the dusk of early evening turned to darkness, the city's lights winked on.暮色转浓,全城的灯光一齐闪亮The lake was agleam in the moonlight.湖水在月光下闪亮She always knew how to make a grand entrance.她总是知道如何能够闪亮登场。Moisture glinted on his moustache.他的小胡子上水珠闪亮Meteors usually blaze for only a few seconds.流星往往只闪亮几秒钟。He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes and his melancholy smile.他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物。Teichler's eyes gleamed like chips of blue glass.泰希勒的眼睛像蓝色的玻璃片一样闪亮The novel comes complete with a knight in shining armor and a damsel in distress.这部小说里既有身披闪亮盔甲的骑士,也有身陷困境的女子。The horse's sleek body gleamed.这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮It was an attractive knocker, a new one, a shining brass lion's head.这是个引人注目的门扣,一个新的闪亮的黄铜狮子头。She wore a pair of patent shoes that shone like mirrors.她穿了一双如镜子般闪亮的漆皮鞋。They are handsome with dark, shining hair, olive skin and fine brown eyes.他们乌黑闪亮的头发、橄榄色的皮肤和迷人的棕色眼睛令他们看上去非常帅气。Something shiny in the grass caught my eye.草丛中某种闪亮的东西吸引了我的目光。I never liked their black, beady little eyes.我从不喜欢他们闪亮的小黑眼睛。The knight's body was encased in shining armour.骑士的身上裹着闪亮的铠甲。It cleans windows, mirrors, and adds sparkle to silver.它用以擦净玻璃窗和镜子,并可使银器闪亮She's still waiting for a knight in shining armour / armor to come and rescue her.她还在等待一位身着闪亮盔甲的骑士来英雄救美。A cluster of stars glowed above us.一群星星在上空发出闪亮的光芒。The book was bound in shiny green leather.该书是用闪亮的绿皮面装帧的。His glittering eyes opened wide with alarm.他惊恐地睁大了闪亮的眼睛。A young woman in sequinned hot pants strode past.一位年轻姑娘身穿缀着闪亮小圆片的紧身短裤在一边走过。The streetlights shone brightly and the sidewalks were filled with people.街灯闪亮,人行道上游人如织。The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked on the shiny floor.我的鞋是橡胶底的,踩在光滑闪亮的地板上吱吱地响。The harpoon sank into the whale's glistening skin.捕鲸叉一下子插入了鲸鱼闪亮的表皮。He had a magnificent head of silvered hair.他有一头闪亮的银发。They could see orange flares burning in the distance.他们看得见远处闪亮的橙色照明弹。




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