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词汇 tying
例句 Some schemes will give you an income without tying up your money in an annuity.某些方案会让你获得收益,但又不会让你把钱都投在年金上无法动用。Instead of tying his shoes, he just tucked the laces inside.他没有系好鞋带,只把鞋带塞进了鞋里。He tried dividing it into two bundles, tying them to his walking stick, and slinging the whole affair across his back.他试着将它分成两包绑在他的拐棍上,然后把所有东西都挂在后背上。Leonard pottered round the greenhouse, tying up canes for the tomatoes.伦纳德在温室里悠然自得地给西红柿绑上撑杆。Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes.巴里正坐在床上系他那双旧跑鞋的鞋带。I need someone to hold this string while I finish tying the knot.我需要有人拉着绳子,好打完这个结。She grabbed her hair in both hands and swept it back, tying it in a loose knot.她用双手揽起头发,拢到脑后,挽成一个松松的结。He stretched a large tarpaulin over the vehicle, tying it down at the corners.他把一块很大的防水帆布拉开盖在车上,把几个角系牢。They attacked furiously in an effort to score a tying goal.他们猛烈进攻,企图得一分以打成平局。A small rebel force is tying down thousands of government troops.一小股反叛势力牵制着几千人的政府军。I don't know why they're tying themselves in knots over such a trivial problem.我不明白他们为什么会为这点小事纠结。The children need more practice in tying their shoelaces.孩子们还需要再练习练习系鞋带。John waited for her under the pretence of tying his shoelaces.约翰假装系鞋带等着她。The search for other kinds of evidence tying him to trafficking has not produced a smoking gun.还没有找到其他能够证明他参与了毒品交易的确凿证据。He was bending down tying his shoelaces.他俯下身去系鞋带。Quickly tying a knot in his tie, John finished dressing and went to work.约翰飞快地在领带上打了个结,穿好衣服然后去上班了。




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