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词汇 two-thirds
例句 The company has slowed production and laid off two-thirds of its staff.公司减少了产量并解雇了三分之二的员工。Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。Do not fill the container more than two-thirds full.灌入的量别超过容器总容量的三分之二。If the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in Parliament, it cannot become law.如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。The party has a two-thirds majority in Parliament.该党占据议会的三分之二多数。Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意调查表明三分之二的多数支持批准该条约。In the divorce proceedings, she demanded the car and a whopping two-thirds of the family business.在离婚诉讼中,她要求分得那部车,还要求得到家族企业三分之二的巨额财产。Stir the chocolate, fruit and nuts into two-thirds of the cheese mixture.奶酪混合物取三分之二,拌入巧克力、水果和坚果。Roughly two-thirds of high school students are involved in volunteer community work.大约有三分之二的高中生参加社区的义务工作。About two-thirds of adults consult their doctor at least once a year.约有三分之二的成年人至少每年就医一次。His troops overran two-thirds of the country.他的部队占领了这个国家三分之二的土地。Rent costs two-thirds of my paycheck.租金花掉我薪水的三分之二。The governing party controls two-thirds of the parliament.执政党控制了议会的三分之二。She expected to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority for nomination.她期望得到获得提名所必需的三分之二多数。At least two-thirds of the class will attend the play.班上至少有三分之二的同学会去看戏。The upper two-thirds of the wall has been painted.墙上部的三分之二已经粉刷过。Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.据说摩加迪沙实际上是个鬼城,三分之二的居民已经离开了那里。They failed to win the requisite two-thirds majority.他们未能赢得所必需的三分之二多数票。The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.这项决议以三分之二多数票通过。The rules say that we need a two-thirds majority to win.章程规定我们需要三分之二的多数才算获胜。The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.美俄两国希望达成一项将各自核武器削减三分之二的条约。Fowler was released after serving two-thirds of his sentence.福勒服满三分之二的刑期后被释放了。The law will pass only if it is approved by at least a two-thirds majority. 这项法律只有获得三分之二以上的多数票才能通过。Some two-thirds of the country's diamond miners are now on strike.现在全国有三分之二左右的钻石矿工在举行罢工。




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