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The two sides are trying to find some common ground on these issues.双方正在努力找到有关这些问题的共同立场。Peace talks between the two sides ended in deadlock last month.双方上个月的和平谈判陷入了僵局。The two sides tried and failed to come to a deal.双方都努力想达成协议,但是没有成功。The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars, and small arms.双方交火动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。There were reports of shady dealings between the two sides.有报道指出双方存在不正当交易。Another Cup marathon between the two sides is now a distinct possibility.双方很可能再进行一场马拉松式的优胜杯比赛。The two sides eventually found themselves in the same general ballpark.双方终于发现在大问题上看法已趋一致。The two sides are irreconcilably opposed.双方势不两立。The minister reportedly stressed that economic and political reforms were two sides of the same coin.据报道,部长强调经济改革和政治改革是一个问题的两个方面。The fact that the two sides have agreed to hold negotiations is an extremely hopeful sign.双方已同意举行谈判,这是一个很好的兆头。The two sides reach an agreement to end hostilities.双方达成协议结束战争。The positions of the two sides hardened.双方的立场变得更强硬了。Getting the two sides of the mobile to balance is tricky.要把这个活动雕塑的两面做得平衡是很困难的。The agreement provided that the two sides should meet once a month.协议规定双方每月会晤一次。The two sides are in the nature of things unlikely to reconcile themselves.双方肯定不会和解。The harsh rhetoric had so soured officials that the two sides were barely speaking.激烈的言辞让官员们关系如此恶化,双方几乎不怎么说话。The two sides in this dispute have returned to the negotiating table. 争执双方重返谈判桌。There are two sides to every question.任何问题都有两个方面。There was an irremediable split between the two sides of the family.那个家族的两派之间有着无法调节的分歧。Talks between the two sides yielded no results.双方的会谈没有结果。Mediating between the two sides in this dispute will be a delicate business.让这一争端中的双方达成协议会是件棘手的事情。The two sides are now battling it out in the courtroom.双方在法庭上展开激辩。After two weeks of negotiations the two sides still cannot agree on the conditions.经过两周的谈判之后,双方仍未能就条款达成一致。It was difficult to reach an agreement because of the friction between the two sides.双方的分歧导致协议难以达成。The two sides were unable to reach a compromise. 双方无法达成妥协。The two sides have been unable to get together on a new contract.双方一直未能就新合同达成一致。United Nations officials have mediated a series of peace meetings between the two sides.联合国官员已经促使双方举行了一系列和谈。The agreement provides for United Nations mediation between the two sides.该协定规定由联合国对双方进行调解。The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims.双方同意组建一个委员会来调查那些索赔要求。It looks like negotiations between the two sides have come to a full stop.看起来双方的谈判终止了。Pin the two sides together.把两边别在一起。Ultimately the two sides could not agree, and negotiations were abandoned.最后双方不能达成协议,谈判天折了。The two sides have decided to reopen negotiations.双方决定恢复谈判。The speed with which the two sides came to the negotiating table shows that they are ready to talk.双方那么快就来到谈判桌旁,这说明他们愿意谈判。The path is landscaped with willows along its two sides.小路两旁柳树成行,景色宜人。It seems increasingly unlikely that the two sides will find any common ground.双方似乎越来越不可能找到共同点。The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。The two sides have not been able to come to terms.双方没能达成协议。After a week of negotiations, the differences between the two sides are now relatively insignificant.经过一周的谈判,现在双方的分歧相对来说已经微不足道了。The two sides are prepared to reopen peace talks.双方准备重开和平会谈。 |