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词汇 Two
例句 Two witnesses corroborated his story.两个目击者证实了他的说法。Two of the water pipes burst.有两根水管迸裂了。Two methods can be employed.有两种方法可以采用。Two men were standing by the freshly dug grave.两个男人站在新挖好的坟墓旁。Two guards looked after the security of the property.两个警卫看管财产的安全。Two women crawled out unhurt.两名女子安全地爬了出来。Two thirds of the continent was covered in ice during glacial periods.该大陆的三分之二地区在冰河时代被冰覆盖著。I bought this pen years ago. Two pounds it cost me!这支笔我是几年前买的,要两英镑呢!Two English artists were sitting on the terrace; one sketching, the other lazily chatting.两个英国画家也在那凉台上坐着,一个人在写生,一个人在懒洋洋地聊天。Two of his teammates have decided to turn pro. 他的两个队友决定转为职业运动员。Two of the hostages were released on humanitarian grounds.基于人道主义的原因,人质中有两人获释。Two innocent bystanders were injured in the shooting.两名无辜的旁观者在枪击中受伤。There's a big jump from Grade Two to Grade Four.从二年级到四年级有一个很大的跨越。Two parents chaperoned the children.两位家长陪着这些孩子。Two soldiers carried flags at the head of the procession.队伍最前面有两名士兵举着旗帜。Two trucks full of hard-core pornography were seized by customs officials today.今天有满满两卡车的露骨色情作品被海关官员收缴了。Two of the climbers died of exposure.两位登山者被冻死。Two bottles were missing from the drugs cupboard.药柜里少了两瓶药。Two men in dark suits were having a hushed conversation in the corner.两名黑衣男子在角落里低声地谈话。Two cabinets were held in London last week.上星期在伦敦举行了两次内阁会议。Two lucky employees won a round-the-world trip.两名幸运的雇员赢得了一次环游世界的机会。Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning.今天早上德国东北部两列火车迎面相撞。Two months later the company folded up.两个月后这家公司倒闭了。Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ill.两年前我丈夫被宣告患了绝症。Two coffees, please.请拿两杯咖啡。Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.其中两人下车鼓捣引擎。Two new skyscrapers had sprung up, obscuring the view from her window.两座新摩天大楼拔地而起,挡住了她窗外的风景。Two of the boys have been imprisoned for theft.男孩中有两个因偷盗被监禁。Two people witnessed the signing of the will.有两个人见证了遗嘱的签署。Two prisoners bungled an escape bid.两名囚犯越狱未遂。Two brandies please, and make mine a double.两杯白兰地,我那杯要双份的。Two bowling pins were left standing.还有两个保龄球瓶没有倒下。Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent days.两起事件进一步凸显了最近一段时间的紧张局势。Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。Two matters need to be given particular attention.两件事情需要特别加以关注。Two qualifications need to be made.有两点需要作一点限定性的说明。Two of the band members traded off guitar solos. 乐队的两名成员轮流进行吉他独奏。Two horses were pulling the plough.两匹马在拉犁。Two miles off the coast, we sailed right into the storm.在离海岸两英里处我们迎面遇上了暴风雨。Two of the boys are on football scholarships.有两名男生享有足球奖学金。




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