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词汇 blank
例句 He fired point-blank at Bernadette.他近距离朝贝尔纳黛特开了枪。Ian stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.伊恩盯着面前的这张空白纸。The shots were taken at/from point-blank range.这是近距离射击。Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope.信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。All requests for the return of the objects have been met with a blank refusal.所有归还物品的要求都遭到了断然拒绝。The children's faces were blank with sleepiness.孩子们困了,脸上毫无表情。She refused the offer point-blank.她直截了当地拒绝了这个出价。Her face was a blank mask as she answered my question.她回答我的问题时脸上装出一副漠无表情的样子。He told us point-blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.他直截了当地告诉我们,他的公司快要破产了。He shot her at point-blank range.他近距离射中了她。His expression remained studiously blank.他的表情仍是那种故作茫然状。Fill in the blank spaces in the table.填写表格的空白处。Suddenly the screen went blank.屏幕上突然一片空白。He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn't remember it.他向我要电话号码可我却没能给他——我把号码给忘了。The men broke into the building at the dead of night, and shot their victims point-blank as they slept.那些人在夜深人静的时候闯入大楼内,趁着被害人熟睡之际近距离开枪打死了他们。I asked her point-blank what she wanted.我直截了当地问她想要什么。Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs.最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。He tore a blank page from his notebook.他从他的笔记本上撕下一页空白纸。She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了他一眼。Suddenly my computer screen went blank.突然我的计算机屏幕变得一片空白。I drew a blank when I tried to remember his name.我努力回忆他的名字,但怎么也想不起来。Gina looked blank; then understanding dawned.吉娜看起来很茫然,然后突然明白了。You can buy an all-purpose greetings card, with blank space, for you to write in your own message.你可以买一张多用途贺卡,上面是空白的,可以写上自己的话。He filled in the blank transfer forms.他填写了空白转账单。She refused him point-blank.她断然拒绝了他。The suspect was described as having a blank stare after the shooting spree.据称嫌疑犯在开枪狂扫之后目光呆滞。Suddenly the TV went blank and started smoking.电视机突然图像全无,开始冒烟。The blank space at the end of the form is for your name.表格末端的空白处供你签名。He died suddenly, leaving us all feeling very blank.他猝然去世,使我们大家感到不知所措。He had murdered Peter at point blank range with a single shot.他近距离一枪射杀了皮特。Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。They all just looked at me with blank expressions.他们全都面无表情地看着我。Fill in your name and address and leave the rest of the form blank.填上你的姓名和地址,其他地方空着不填。He told me point-blank that he didn't believe me.他直截了当地告诉我他不相信我。She pulled out a blank card and asked him his name, age, and address.她抽出一张空白卡片,询问了他的姓名、年龄和住址。Jessica's face was blank with shock.杰西卡惊愕不已,面无表情。The victim was shot point-blank in the head.受害者被近距离射中头部。He sat listening to her, gone inert and blank himself.他坐着听她讲话,变得迟钝又茫然。My mind goes blank when I have to take a test.我碰到测验脑子就会空白。Sign your name in the blank space at the bottom of the form.在表格底部的空白处签名。




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