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词汇 addiction
例句 After struggling with her addiction for many years, she is finally drug-free. 跟毒瘾斗争多年后,她终于戒毒了。After years of addiction, he swore off drugs completely.上瘾几年后,他发誓彻底戒毒。From personal experience, she knew and understood the problems of alcohol addiction.她有切身体会,知道并理解染上酒瘾所带来的种种问题。Drug addiction is one of today's great social evils.吸毒成瘾是当今社会的一大罪恶。He committed both crimes to feed his addiction to heroin.他犯这两桩罪都是为了满足他的海洛因瘾。Several teenagers were sent to addiction units for treatment.几个十几岁的青少年被送到戒毒小组去治疗。Many cocaine addicts try hard to overcome their addiction but most relapse.很多可卡因上瘾者努力戒除毒瘾,但大部分人还是会旧瘾复发。More and more teenagers are caught in a vicious circle of drug addiction and crime.越来越多的青少年陷入了吸毒与犯罪的恶性循环之中。She has an addiction to mystery novels.她对悬疑小说很痴迷。Her life was in a downward spiral as she battled depression and addiction.在与忧郁症和毒瘾抗争的过程中,她的生活每况愈下。My brother's addiction just got worse and worse.我弟弟的毒瘾变得越来越严重。His life has been messed up by his drug addiction.他的人生被他的毒瘾给毁了。The topic of addiction remains something of a taboo.毒瘾仍然是个有些忌讳的话题。Her drug addiction was her ruin.毒瘾是她堕落的根源。Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction.利兹·泰勒经历了好几次失败的婚姻,又多次吸毒、酗酒,但都挺过来了。He devotes his summers to his surfing addiction.夏天他都用来过冲浪的瘾。It isn't an addiction, but rather a disease.这不是一种癖好,确切地说这是一种疾病。Drug addiction is now the biggest social problem in American cities.吸毒是当今美国城市最大的社会问题。He is trying to save his marriage by going to counseling for his drug addiction.他咨询如何戒除毒瘾,以求挽救婚姻。He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。Eventually she managed to overcome her addiction to alcohol.最后她终于戒除了酒瘾。The organization tries to deal with the widespread problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.该团体试图解决涉及面很广的吸毒和酗酒问题。He finally got the monkey off his back and kicked his drug addiction.他终于摆脱了困境,戒掉了毒瘾。Most families have a very difficult time dealing with a family member's drug addiction.大多数的家庭都会觉得极难应付家里有人沾上毒瘾这种事。The possibility of computer addiction occurred to her when she missed a class she was teaching, because she was immersed in the Internet.她可能对电脑上瘾了,那一次她因为上网入迷竟然忘记了去讲课。We must concentrate our energies on treating addiction first.我们必须首先集中精力治疗毒瘾。Giving up an addiction is a humbling experience.戒瘾是一次让人重新认识自己的经历。He was struggling to beat his heroin addiction.他那时曾努力戒除他的海洛因毒瘾。She had an addiction to heroin.她吸食海洛因成瘾。He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.他需要钱来满足他的赌瘾。Through her drug addiction she had inflicted a lot of pain on the family.因吸毒上瘾,她给家庭带来了巨大的痛苦。His life has been ruined by heroin addiction.他的人生毁于吸食海洛因。She spent her whole life battling the demons of drug and alcohol addiction.她用一生的时光在同毒瘾和酒瘾抗争。The signs of drug addiction are familiar to most doctors.毒瘾的症状大多数医生都熟悉。His drug addiction has been a monkey on his back for years.他的毒瘾多年来一直困扰着他。The program is premised on the idea that drug addiction can be cured.这个计划是以毒瘾可以戒除为前提的。By the end of the book, Peter's addiction has led him to madness and suicide.在这本书的结尾处,彼得的毒瘾导致他发疯并自杀。Delinquency and drug addiction are more common in areas of high unemployment.违法行为和吸毒问题在失业率高的地区更为普遍。Issues such as drug addiction require sensitive handling on TV.吸毒之类的问题出现在电视上需要小心处理。It's only by facing up to her addiction that she can hope to live a normal life again.她只有勇敢地正视自己的毒瘾问题,才有希望重新过上正常的生活。




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