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词汇 turn a blind eye
例句 We can no longer claim ignorance about the effects of pollution or continue to turn a blind eye.我们不再被说是忽视污染的影响或继续视而不见。If my sister did something wrong my mother always turned a blind eye.如果妹妹做了错事,母亲总是睁只眼闭只眼装作不知道。Don't turn a blind eye to matters that concern the people's welfare.不要对人民的利益漠然置之。Colleges can't afford to turn a blind eye to alcohol abuse.高校不能对酗酒视而不见。The President could no longer turn a blind eye to the indiscretions of his Chief of Staff.总统再也不能对参谋长的不检点行为熟视无睹了。We're not supposed to park here, but the authorities usually turn a blind eye.我们不应该把车停在这里,但是行政管理部门通常睁一只眼闭一只眼。The president turned a blind eye to corruption within his administration.总统对政府中的贪污腐化现象熟视无睹。The police turned a blind eye to this problem.警方对这一问题不予理睬。Society largely turns a blind eye to recreational drug use.社会基本上对消遣性毒品的吸食现象视而不见。The guards turned a blind eye when the prisoners stole food from the kitchen.囚犯们从厨房偷吃东西时,警卫都装作没看见。I can't turn a blind eye when someone is being robbed.当有人遭到抢劫时,我不能视而不见。




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