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词汇 trudged
例句 A hot sun beat down on them as they trudged onward.他们拖着沉重的步子前行,炎热的太阳晒在他们身上。They trudged wearily down the trail.他们缓慢吃力地沿着小径走去。Shaerl trudged toward them, hugging a large box.谢尔抱着一个大箱子步履艰难地向他们走去。She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries.她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。He trudged three hours in the snow to get back home.他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。They trudged along, meditating upon the song of the skylark.他们一边艰难跋涉,一边冥想着云雀的鸣唱。We trudged slowly through the fields.我们步履艰难地慢慢穿过田野。People trudged on, carrying shapeless bundles full of clothes or bedding.人们抱着一捆捆包得乱七八糟的衣服和被单艰难地行走。He trudged through the rain-soaked woods.他在被雨浇透的树林里艰难地走着。She trudged up the hill.她步履艰难地往那座小山上爬。He trudged through deep snow to the village.他踩着厚厚的积雪,步履艰难地朝村子走去。The couple trudged up the dark mountainside.这对夫妇在黑黝黝的山坡上艰难跋涉。She trudged through the mush of fallen leaves.她步履沉重地走过松软的落叶。Tony and I trudged home through the deep snow.我和托尼费力地穿过深深的积雪走回家。I trudged through the snow and ice to the edge of town.我在冰雪中艰难跋涉来到城市的边缘。We trudged home through the snow.我们艰难地穿过雪地走回了家。He trudged wearily down Arthur Street.他沿着亚瑟大街精疲力竭地跋涉。We trudged to school through the snow, wishing we could be playing in it.我们拖着脚步走过雪地去上学,很希望能在雪地里玩耍。She trudged slowly back to the office.她慢慢地拖着沉重的步伐回到办公室。We trudged back up the hill.我们跋涉回到山上。We trudged along in silence.我们步履艰难地默默前行。We trudged up the hill to the stadium.我们沿着斜坡向上费力地走到了运动场。Following a heavy defeat, the players trudged disconsolately back to the showers.遭遇重大失败后,运动员们拖着沮丧的脚步走回淋浴室。He trudged wearily on down the road.他沿着路疲惫地向前走。




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