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词汇 trio
例句 He looked at each of the trio of faces in turn.他依次看了看这三张面孔。The trio lend their haunting voices to several of the songs.三重唱小组以令人难忘的歌声吟唱了这其中的几首歌。The trio began to groove irresistibly.三重奏小组开始酣畅淋漓地演奏,让人流连忘返。He climbed a trio of steps to the glass-fronted door.他走上三级台阶,到了那扇玻璃门前。The top trio of yachts are abeam of the Malvinas Islands.三艘最好的游艇正朝马尔维纳斯群岛驶去。A trio of girls in extremely tight shorts paraded up and down.三个女孩穿着极紧身的短裤招摇地走来走去。The committee is headed by a trio of ministers.委员会由三位部长组成的小组领导。The violinist walked on stage and the duo became a trio.那小提琴手走上台去,二重奏便变成了三重奏。The trio are part of Sotheby's sale of Works of Art.该三件套是苏富比艺术品拍卖会上的一件拍品。I must say, the trio who played Ssu-Lang in "Ssu-Lang Visits His Mother" did an amazing job.我必须说,在四郎探母中演杨四郎的三人小组表现极好。He was met by a trio of smiling executives.迎接他的是三位面带笑容的主管。He plays in a jazz trio.他在一个爵士乐三重奏小组里演奏。Her only friends are a trio of catty frenemies she hasn't seen in months.她仅有的朋友是三位好几个月都没见着的出言恶毒的假朋友真敌人。




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