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词汇 Travis
例句 Travis had left the door open-she seized her chance and was through it like a shot.特拉维斯没关门,她抓住这个机会嗖地蹿了进去。The cold was refreshing after the stifling atmosphere in Travis's house.继特拉维斯家的闷热之后,寒冷令人神清气爽。Travis twisted the knife by laughing at her.特拉维斯又来嘲笑她,往她伤口上撒盐。Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again.想到又要见到罗茜,特拉维斯很兴奋。Mrs Travis has three unmarried sons.特拉维斯太太有三个还没有结婚的儿子。Travis was about to say something, then changed his mind.特拉维斯刚想说点什么,又改变了主意。Travis moved out west after college.特拉维斯大学毕业后搬到了美国西部。Travis called after her, but she didn't deign to answer.特拉维斯在后面叫她,但她不肯屈尊应一下。The group are bracketed with Coldplay, Travis, and Starsailor.这个乐队可与酷玩乐队、特拉维斯乐队和星际水手乐队相提并论。Last year Dr Travis publicly attacked the idea that abortion should be available on demand.去年,特拉维斯医生公开抨击了如有要求可以堕胎的观点。Travis seemed absolutely stumped for words.特拉维斯似乎完全不知说什么好。




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