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词汇 a trace
例句 He could detect a trace of cinnamon in the cookies.他能从饼干里尝出一丝肉桂的味道。The missing girl vanished without a trace a year ago.那个女孩一年前突然失踪,音信全无。There was barely a trace of salt in the soup.汤里简直一点盐也没有放。He said this with a trace of exasperation.他说这话时语气中带着一丝恼怒。Her first album was a big success, but after that she sank without a trace.她的首张专辑大获成功,但之后她就销声匿迹了。Hans speaks English beautifully, without a trace of a foreign accent.汉斯英语说得极好,听不出一丝外国口音。She had a small mouth, with never a trace of lipstick.她的樱桃小口从未抹过一丝口红。The rescue team raked the area for a trace of lost travellers.营救队在这一地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。He disappeared without a trace. 他消失得无影无踪。Only a trace was left of the eye makeup.只有少许眼妆残留。All the intervening years have eroded away without a trace.其间那些年的时光已逝,无处追寻。They have spent ages looking at the map and can't find a trace of anywhere called Darrowby.他们对着地图细看了许久也没能找到那个叫达罗比的地方的影踪。Her second symphony sank without a trace.她的第二部交响乐无人问津。The equipment had disappeared, bag and baggage, without a trace.全部设备消失得无影无踪。He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm.他说话总带著一丝讽刺。There was a trace of exasperation in his voice.他的声音听上去有些愤怒。He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.他尽力不带一丝哗众取宠的色彩来写作他的题材。The plane was lost without a trace over the Atlantic.飞机在飞越大西洋上空时消失得无影无踪。She had very little grey hair, with just a trace near the temples.她几乎没有白发,只是在太阳穴附近有几根。He's a modest, mild-mannered man, without a trace of self-importance.他是个谦虚而温和的人,没有丝毫的自大。I might put in a trace to London to see if my Office has got anything on him.我可能向伦敦提出调查请求,看看我的局里是否已经掌握任何关于他的情况。The police put a trace on the call.警方对电话进行了追踪。She spoke without a trace of irony.她说话不带有任何讽刺。He disappeared without a trace two years ago.他两年前就杳无音信了。He disappeared/vanished without a trace. 他消失得无影无踪。The boat sank without a trace.那艘船沉没了,没有留下一丝踪迹。Unscrupulous operators collect money from clients before vanishing without a trace.奸诈刁滑的经营者从客户手里收到钱后就消失得无影无踪。After speaking to her for awhile, he began to detect a trace of a Southern accent.他和她交谈了一会儿以后,开始听出了一丝南方口音。He spoke openly about the war without a trace of rancour.他不记前仇坦然地谈论这场战争。Her French was excellent, without a trace of an accent.她的法语很棒,不带一丝口音。The plane vanished without a trace.飞机消失得无影无踪。Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found.尽管已经在全国范围内追捕该绑架团伙,却没有发现他们的任何蛛丝马迹。The youngster vanished without a trace one day and has never been found.有一天,那个年轻人消失得无影无踪,再也找不到了。His face was unmoved, but on his lips there was a trace of displeasure.他脸上没有丝毫表情,但嘴角流露出一丝不悦。




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