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词汇 trailing
例句 Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don't trip up over them.别让拖地的皮线挡了道,这样你就不会被绊倒。Long trailing flexes are a serious trip hazard.长长的拖线很容易绊倒人。The President is trailing in the polls as the election approaches.临近选举时,总统在民意测验中处于下风。At one stage in the match, he was trailing by three games, but he managed to fight back.比赛中有一段时间他落后三局,但他最终反败为胜。He moved slowly, trailing his wounded foot.他拖着伤脚慢慢地走。The Democratic candidate is still trailing in the opinion polls.民主党候选人在民意调查中仍然处于落后地位。Rees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through the water.里斯把身体探出船外,一只手在水中拖着。Position trailing plants near the edges and in the sides of the basket to hang down.把蔓生植株靠边放,使其从篮子的四面垂下。Sweden was trailing by 2 games to 1.瑞典队以二负一胜落后。She walked slowly along the path, her skirt trailing in the mud.她慢慢地沿着小径走,裙子拖在泥里。The dogs were trailing a fox.这几只狗在追踪一只狐狸。The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。The dog was trailing its leash.这条狗拖着它的牵狗绳。The team is now trailing badly in the league.现在这个队在联赛中远远落后于其他队。Part of her dress was trailing on the floor.她的裙子有一部分拖曳在地板上。Two detectives were trailing him.两个侦探正在追踪他。She was leading/trailing the field by a wide margin.她在比赛中遥遥领先。The dogs came in, trailing mud everywhere.那几条狗跑了进来,弄得到处都是泥。The little girl went to her room, trailing her teddy bear behind her.小女孩拖着玩具熊朝自己的房间走去。He left a host of other riders trailing in his slipstream.他把其他的摩托车手甩在身后。They were trailing by a touchdown late in the fourth quarter.在第四节比赛的最后时刻,他们以六分落后于对手。These two top drivers have left the others trailing behind.这两名领先的车手已经把其他人甩在了后面。I spent a long afternoon trailing behind him.整个下午我都拖着步子跟在他身后。There were wires trailing everywhere.电线拉得到处都是。We were trailing for most of the game, but we rallied in the fourth quarter and ended up winning.比赛的大部分时间我们队一直处于劣势,但在第四节我们重振士气,最终取得了胜利。They were already trailing, and that last goal really cooked their goose.他们已经落后了,并且最后一球锁定了他们的败局。They spent their lives trailing around the country.他们一辈子都在这个国家四处漂泊。There is ivy trailing all over the wall.常春藤蔓生整个墙面。They were trailing by a touchdown early in the fourth quarter.第四节开始时,他们落后一次达阵。The child was trailing a toy cart.孩子正拖着玩具车走。The dog's leash was trailing along/on the ground.这条狗的牵狗绳在地上拖着。A recent poll shows the Democrats trailing the Republicans.最近的一项民意测验表明民主党落后于共和党。Manchester United were trailing by two goals to one.曼联队以一比二的比分落后。Her long skirt was trailing along behind her.她的长裙拖在身后。Tyler is trailing badly in the polls.泰勒在民意测验中远远落后。We spent the afternoon trailing around the shops.我们整个下午都在慢悠悠地逛商店。The team was trailing after the first half, but they made/staged a comeback and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。He was trailing in the polls last week, but now he has regained the lead.在上周的民意测验中,他排位落后,但现在他已经重新回到排名第一的位置。She came down the stairs slowly, trailing the coat behind her.她慢慢走下楼梯,大衣在身后拖曳着。




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