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词汇 tragedies
例句 This landscape bears silent witness to one of the greatest tragedies in history.这片风景默默地见证了历史上最大的悲剧之一。He suffered a series of tragedies that nearly drove him to madness.他遭受的一系列悲剧几乎令他精神崩溃。She's had her fair share of tragedies in her life.她这一生中有过太多的不幸。I prefer Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies.我喜欢莎士比亚的喜剧胜过他的悲剧。Through all these tragedies he kept a stiff upper lip.经历了这么多的不幸他仍然咬紧牙关忍受着。The tragedies begin to interlock.悲剧开始接连发生。Shakespeare's Hamlet is one of the best known tragedies.莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是最有名的悲剧之一。According to Aristotle, tragedies are cathartic because they can arouse pity and fear in the audience.根据亚里斯多德的说法,悲剧因为可以唤起观众的哀怜与恐惧,所以有净化心灵的作用。It's the latest in a long line of tragedies.这是一长串悲剧事件中最新的一件。Shakespeare's tragedies include "Hamlet", "King Lear", and "Othello".莎士比亚的悲剧作品包括《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》和《奥赛罗》。The Anthenians would sit through three tragedies and a satyr play in one morning.雅典人常在一个上午坐着看完悲剧三部曲和一出羊人剧。




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