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词汇 blackboard
例句 He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard.为了更清楚地看到黑板上的内容,他站了起来。He chalked the message on the blackboard.他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。The teacher wrote the example on the blackboard.教师把例题写在黑板上。Like an old schoolie, he couldn't resist using the blackboard.象个老教师一样,他老是要用黑板。The proof is set out, step by step, on the blackboard.求证已一步步地写明在黑板上。 The teacher chalked out a design on the blackboard.老师用粉笔在黑板上勾画出一个图案。The Manager always writes everyone's duty on pieces of paper and has them plastered to the blackboard.经理总是将每人的工作写在纸条上,并且黏贴在黑板上。Occupying a prominent place in the room is a blackboard.在房间抢眼的位置放着一块黑板。The homework is on the blackboard.家庭作业在黑板上。The teacher drew a long, horizontal line across the blackboard.老师在黑板上画了一条长长的水平线。I can't stand the sound of chalk grating on a blackboard.我受不了粉笔写在黑板上那吱吱的声音。If you can't see the blackboard, come and sit at the front.你要是看不见黑板就坐到前面来。The teacher drew a line on the blackboard.老师在黑板上画了一条线。The blackboard was covered with symbols and equations.黑板上写满了符号和等式。I hate to hear the sound of chalk grating against the blackboard.我讨厌听到粉笔在黑板上摩擦发出的刺耳声。You can't just stand at the blackboard and talk.你不能只是站在黑板那儿讲话。The teacher erased the letters on the blackboard.老师擦掉了黑板上的字母。She scraped her fingernails across the blackboard.她的指甲吱吱地刮过黑板。I erased the chalk marks from the blackboard.我擦掉了黑板上的粉笔印迹。With a stick of chalk he wrote her order on a blackboard.他用一截粉笔将她的指示写在黑板上。The teacher repeated the word, and then wrote it up on the blackboard.老师重复了一遍那个单词,然后在黑板上写了下来。I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard.我在黑板的最左边写下了日期。The teacher rubbed against the blackboard, getting chalk all over his back.老师擦黑板时弄得背上满是粉笔灰。Please copy the homework from the blackboard.请抄下黑板上的家庭作业。Can you see what's written on the blackboard?你看得见黑板上写了些什么吗?Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.教师通常用粉笔在黑板上书写。Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。The teacher wrote an equation on the blackboard.老师在黑板上写了一个方程式。He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the answer on the blackboard.他拿起一支粉笔,在黑板上写下了答案。There was a raised platform and a blackboard at the far end of the room.教室的另一端有一个升起的讲台和一块黑板。The coach diagrammed the new play on the blackboard.教练在黑板上用示意图讲解了新战局。He wrote the title on the blackboard, then copied out the text sentence by sentence.他在黑板上写下题目,然后逐句抄写出文章。I turned around and wrote the title on the blackboard.我转过身,在黑板上写下了题目。She turned to face the blackboard.她转身面向黑板。The teacher drew a circle on the blackboard.老师在黑板上画了一个圆。




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