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词汇 to work for
例句 You're lucky to work for a company which values diversity.你很幸运能为一个尊重多元化的公司工作。He's impossible to work for - he's so disorganized.没办法给他干活——他做事太没章法。My father used to work for one of the big oil companies.我爸爸过去在一家大石油公司工作。Why on earth would I want to work for you?究竟为什么我会想为你做事呢?He was afforded the opportunity to work for a judge.他得到了一个为法官工作的机会。Sheena left her job and went to work for a rival company.希娜辞了职,转投一家对头公司工作。He wants to work for a newspaper when he graduates.他毕业后想去报社工作。The most important reason for coming to university is to work for a degree.上大学最重要的原因就是要拿个学位。This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats.这激发了我对政治的兴趣,于是我开始效力于民主党。The boss dangled a trip to New York in front of her to get her to work for him.老板以纽约之旅吸引她为他工作。I am always ready to work for you.我愿意随时为你效劳。Her decision to leave the company to work for our competitors was a slap in the face.她决定离开公司去为竞争对手工作,这等于打了我们一记耳光。Would you consent to work for us?你同意为我们工作吗? The doctor certified me unfit to go to work for the next month.医生证明我接下去一个月内不宜上班。Some of the men volunteered to work for nothing.其中一些人自愿来做义工。Apparently he's a sod to work for.据说为他工作很麻烦。I want to work for the good of mankind.我要为全人类的利益而工作。I don't know the man personally, but he used to work for my father.我和那位男士并无私交,只是他过去在我父亲手下工作。Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks in maternity.受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。She didn't want to work for a big corporation where everything was so impersonal.她不想在大公司工作,那儿一点人情味儿都没有。He's thrown up his job and gone off to Africa to work for a children's charity.他辞掉了工作,去非洲为一家儿童慈善机构工作。I'm trying to jolly him into coming to work for us.我正试图哄劝他来为我们工作。She organized people to work for social justice.她召集民众争取社会公平。I'm willing to work for the party because its interests and my interests are one and the same.我愿意为该党效力,因为它的利益和我的利益完全一致。I had no desire to work for a large, impersonal organization.我不想为缺乏人情味的大公司工作。I know nothing about him beyond the fact that he used to work for the government.除了知道他过去为政府工作外,我对他一无所知。She continued to work for the company on a freelance basis.她以自由职业者的身份继续为这家公司工作。According to the provisions of this agreement, you must continue to work for them another two years.按照协议的规定,你必须再为他们工作二年。Our new boss is a real joy to work for. She's so appreciative of anything you do for her.为我们的新老板工作真是件乐事。你帮她做任何事,她都非常感激。I managed to work for two hours without interruption.我设法不受打扰地工作了两个小时。Individuals with even a small degree of emotional intelligence are a dream to work for.想在一个哪怕稍有一点点情商的人手下工作也成了奢望。If you decide to work for our organisation, you will be part of a great team.如果你决定为我们机构工作,你将成为我们伟大团队中的一员。She's great to work for - I really couldn't ask for a better boss.为她工作特开心——我真觉得再也找不到比她更好的老板了。Jobs are so hard to find that people are willing to work for peanuts.工作很难找,只挣点芝麻小钱的活人们也愿意去干。You can't be expected to work for nothing - it's not on.不会有人想让你白干的——那可没门儿。She was an exacting woman to work for.她是一位对下属要求严格的女性。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you.她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。People are queueing up to work for me!.想为我效力的人可是排着长队呢!You don't want to work for that monster.你是不愿意给那个恶魔干活的。I cannot guarantee to work for more than a year.我不能保证工作一年以上。




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