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词汇 to withdraw
例句 The government has agreed to withdraw its troops.政府已经同意撤军。Two candidates threatened to withdraw.两位候选人威胁说要退出。They threatened to withdraw their support from the government.他们威胁要撤回对政府的支持。Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.激进派宣称谈判没有进展,他们打算退出。The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.苏联变得急于想把它的军队从阿富汗困局中撤出来。Stadler had to withdraw from the tournament, because of a sprained wrist.斯塔德勒因为扭伤了手腕,只得退出锦标赛。The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.非洲国民大会威胁要退出会谈。The union overplayed its hand by demanding too much, causing the company to withdraw what would have been its best offer.工会高估了自己的力量而提出了过高的要求,致使公司收回了他们此前提出的最佳方案。His reaction was to withdraw, to bury himself in work.他的反应是抽身而退,埋头于工作。I advise you to withdraw your allegation before I contact my lawyer.我建议你在我同我的律师联系之前收回你的指控。He was convinced to withdraw his candidacy.他被说服退出竞选。The newspaper has agreed to withdraw its allegations.报社已同意撤回指控。He refused to withdraw his remarks and was expelled from the Party.他拒绝收回自己说过的话,被开除出党。Despite the scare there are no plans to withdraw the drug.尽管大家忧心忡忡,可是并无撤回药物的计划。Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education lessons if they wish.家长如有意愿,有权让自己的孩子退出宗教教育课。He has been asked to withdraw remarks he made in a national newspaper about the honesty of the president.他被要求收回在一家全国性报纸上质疑总统诚信的那些话。A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon.背部受伤使她不得不退出温布尔登赛事。A spokesman denied the bank was insolvent, but depositors are rushing to withdraw their money.一位发言人否认银行已破产,但储户却蜂拥而至,提取存款。The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.非洲国民大会威胁将退出会谈。The troops were forced to withdraw.部队被迫撤离。The Party threatened to withdraw from the talks.该党派威胁将从会谈中退出。He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election.他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定。The injury forced him to withdraw from the tournament.他因伤而不得不退出比赛。The right to withdraw is written into the agreement.退出的权利被写入了协议。A back injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.她背部受伤,被迫退出比赛。The company has decided to withdraw from some of its sports sponsorship.这家公司已决定撤销部分体育项目的赞助。The miners are threatening to withdraw their labour.矿工们威胁要罢工。He knew he could not win the election—hence his decision to withdraw.他自知无法在竞选中获胜,因此决定退出。While the banker retains the bank he is not allowed to withdraw any of it.虽然庄家留有筹码,但不可以从中抽取。A painful injury forced her to withdraw from the game.伤痛迫使她退出了比赛。The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks refuse to play ball.该协会威胁说,如果各家银行拒绝合作,他们将不再提供支持。The right to withdraw labour is a basic principle of trade unionism.罢工的权利是工会主义的基本原则。Discontent had grown to such an extent that the government had to withdraw the new tax.民众的不满情绪已到了政府不得不撤销这项新税种的程度。He was expelled from the party for failing to withdraw his controversial remarks.他因没有收回引起争议的话而被开除出党。After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.几经劝说他同意收回辞呈。He was forced to withdraw from the competition due to injury.由于受伤,他不得不退出比赛。He refused to withdraw derogatory remarks made about his boss.他拒绝收回那些贬损老板的话。A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.膝盖受伤让她不得不退出了比赛。After two children had been hurt, the company was forced to withdraw the toy from store shelves.两名儿童受伤以后,这家公司被迫把这种玩具从货架上撤了下来。This card allows the user to withdraw money at any time of day.这张卡能让客户在任何时间提款。




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