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词汇 to wait for
例句 The girl was tired and lagged behind us, so we had to stop to wait for her.女孩很累,落在了我们后面,所以我们只好停下来等她。They would have married sooner, but they had to wait for her divorce.他们是想马上结婚的,但是他们得先等她离了婚。If she wanted to go anywhere at all she had to wait for her father to drive her.她想去任何地方都只能等父亲开车送她去。He stalled for time to wait for his friends coming.他拖延时间等着他的朋友的到来。I was smart enough to wait for a week.我很明智,等了一个星期。I had to wait for my computer to unfreeze before I could read my e-mail.我得等电脑恢复正常后再阅读我的电子邮件。The housing association agreed to wait for his rent, as he would be paid in arrears.房屋协会同意等待他的租金,因为他是先干活后拿工资的。She stopped to wait for Ian who was lagging behind.她停下来等落在后面的伊恩。Police had to wait for backup to arrive before making any arrests.警方只得等待后援到来之后才进行逮捕。He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move.他温顺地坐在那里,心满意足地等着他父亲走第一步棋。Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning.别忘了明天早晨在校门口等我。Farmers will have to wait for fields to dry out before they can harvest their soybeans.农夫要等到地里干透后才能收割大豆。We all went back to our respective homes to wait for news.我们都各自回到家中等待消息。She cursed her luck that she had had to wait for so long.她骂自己运气不佳,得排那么长时间的队。He was supposed to wait for me by the fountain, but he wasn't there when I arrived.他说好在喷水池边等我,但我到那里时他却不在。We had to wait for ages!我们不得不等了很久!They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.应该允许他们等到更廉价的技术被开发出来。I was boxed in, and had to wait for the driver of the other car to get back.我被堵在里面了,只能等另外一辆车的车主回来。Tell them they don't need to wait for me.告诉他们不用等我。Tourists camped out yesterday to wait for flights out of Mexico.昨天,游客们苦苦等候离开墨西哥的航班。We agreed the deal online, but we'll have to wait for snail mail to get the paperwork.我们在网上达成了交易,但是还得等平信寄来书面文件。I was made to wait for over an hour.那人让我等了一个多小时。He gets in a strop if he has to wait for someone.如果非要他等人的话,他会很烦。Women learned not to wait for their Prince Charming to come along.女人们学会了放弃等待白马王子的出现。I weighed up my chances of escape, and decided to wait for a better moment.估量了一下逃跑的胜算有多大后,我决定等待一个更好的时机。They have to wait for clearance from air traffic control.他们需要等空中交通管制人员的放行。Tell him to wait for me in the office.让他在办公室等我。We have to wait for the dishwasher's wash and dry cycles to end.我们得等到洗碗机完成清洗和烘干过程。Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.既然等火车还需要几分钟,我们去喝杯咖啡吧。I'll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours.假使我得等两个小时,我会发疯的。They had to wait for hours in the most appalling weather.他们不得不在极为恶劣的天气情况下等了好几个小时。I had an hour to wait for my flight to New York.我还要等一个小时才能登上飞往纽约的班机。In a dream I saw them off at the door. Then I sat down to wait for the morning.我神志恍惚地把他们送到门口,然后坐下来等待早晨的来临。We had to wait for hours in the pouring rain.我们不得不在瓢泼大雨中等了数小时。




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