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词汇 橙子
例句 She juiced a few oranges for her breakfast.她拿几个橙子榨汁当早餐饮料。He squeezed the juice from the orange.他用橙子榨汁。This orange is nice and juicy.橙子真是味美多汁。Do you like oranges?你喜欢(吃)橙子吗?Fruit is fairly inexpensive in Japan because they buy cut-price oranges and apples from South Africa.日本的水果相当便宜,因为他们从南非购买减价的橙子和苹果。Even the smell of oranges can trigger his migraine.甚至连闻到橙子的味道都能引发他的偏头痛。These oranges are on sale while they/supplies last. 这些橙子降价销售直到卖完为止。She sucked on an orange slice.她嘬着一片橙子Oranges are plentiful this summer.今年夏天橙子供应充足。Decorate with orange segments.用一瓣瓣橙子作点缀。Oranges, lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy.人们发现橙子、柠檬和酸橙能治疗坏血病。I'll exchange my orange for your pear.我用橙子来换你的梨。Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are very good for you.橙子、柠檬等柑橘类水果对身体非常好。Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.剥开一只厚皮橙子,用锋利的刀将两端削去使它呈方形。Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.一排排橙子树绵延不绝。There are too many pips in this orange.这个橙子子儿太多了。Oranges can be kept for a long time without going mouldy.橙子可以存放很长时间而不发霉。They used a crate of oranges to make enough juice for everyone.他们用了一箱橙子制成橙汁,足够大家喝的。The oranges were all stamped with the exporter's name.这些橙子全部印有出口商的名字。The freeze destroyed many oranges.严寒冻坏了很多橙子Her hair smelled of apple/cherry/orange blossoms.她的头发有苹果/樱桃/橙子花的香味。This orange is a pain to peel.这个橙子的皮真难剥。He juiced a few oranges for his breakfast.他用了几只橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。I like to strain the pulp out of my orange juice.我喜欢把橙汁中的橙子渣滤掉。Peel and section the orange.橙子剥皮分瓣。There were some cheap oranges in the market but most of them were rotten.市场上有些便宜的橙子,但大多已腐烂了。Italian oranges are much sweeter than the ones we buy in Britain.意大利的橙子比起我们在英国买的要甜得多。




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