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词汇 Tourism
例句 Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, may be seriously affected.作为该市主要收入来源的旅游业可能会受到严重影响。Tourism has brought many benefits to the area.旅游业给这个地区带来许多好处。Tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.旅游具有双重效应,带动经济的同时也会破坏环境。Tourism is at its peak in August.八月是旅游高峰。Tourism on the island is still very much in its infancy.该岛的旅游业在很大程度上仍处于初期阶段。Tourism has been the salvation of the island.旅游业成了这个岛的救星。Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the local economy.旅游业带来数百万英镑的地方收入。Tourism is one of the country's biggest money spinners.旅游业是这个国家最赚钱的产业之一。Tourism is secondary to oil revenues as a source of income.作为收入来源,旅游业仅次于石油收益。Tourism is the country's single biggest earner.旅游业是这个国家最大的收入来源。Tourism is the island's main source of revenue.旅游业是该岛的主要收入来源。Tourism is Venice's main industry.旅游业是威尼斯的主要产业。Tourism holds the key to the region's recovery.旅游业能使这一地区的经济得以复苏。Tourism is the life of the island.旅游业是这个岛屿的生命线。Tourism on the island has boomed.该岛的旅游业迅速发展。Tourism has not destroyed the spirit of Bali.观光旅游没有破坏巴厘岛的地方特色。Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.旅游业是夏威夷的经济命脉。Tourism is the island's bread and butter.旅游业是该岛的主要收入来源。Tourism will generate many new jobs.旅游业将创造很多新的就业机会。Tourism creates jobs.旅游业为人们提供就业机会。People from the Tourism Commission chaperone VIP guests.旅游事务署的人陪护着贵宾们。Tourism must try to be eco-friendly.旅游业必须尽力做到环保。Tourism generates income for local communities.旅游业为当地社区创造了收益。Tourism has had far-reaching effects on the island's culture.旅游业对该岛文化产生了深远的影响。Tourism is big business in the region.旅游业在这一地区是带来巨大收益的行业。Tourism is a mushroom to the country.旅游业是这个国家发展极快的行业。Tourism clearly dominates the local economy.旅游业明显主导着当地经济。He's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism.他与人合著了一本有关旅游业政策的书。Tourism on a large scale can have detrimental effects on traditional culture.大规模的旅游业可能会对传统文化有不利影响。Tourism chiefs in York are drawing up plans to attract more people.约克旅游界的老总们正在制订计划以吸引更多的人。Tourism is the city's economic keystone.旅游业是本市的经济基础。Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy.旅游业对西班牙经济至关重要。Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's main industry.旅游业取代了农业成为这个国家的主要产业。Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export.旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。Tourism was then still in its infant stage.旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。Tourism is important to the economic vitality of the region.旅游业对保持这个地区的经济活力很重要。Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments.旅游业是与政府有着必然的密切联系的产业。Tourism on the island is oversold.这个岛上的旅游业被吹嘘得过头了。Tourism in these parts is in decline and needs a fillip.这些地方的旅游业正在下滑,需要采取刺激措施。Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.旅游业是该国最大的外汇收入来源。




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