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词汇 tour
例句 Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.史蒂文森感人肺腑的表演真是绝了。You shouldn't expect a great standard of service from a cut-price tour operator.不要期望一家低价旅行社能提供高标准的服务。They used Shanghai as their jumping-off place for their tour of China.他们把上海作为中国之行的起点站。It'll be a miracle if the band lasts out the tour.如果乐队能撑完巡演,那将是个奇迹。They advised him that the tour would proceed.他们通知他旅游将成行。I thought her Lady Macbeth was a tour de force.我认为她扮演的麦克佩斯夫人真是绝了。The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.导游把团队中的其他人带上了公共汽车。We took a tour of the Universal lot.我们参观了环球影视城。A firefighter led the children on a tour of the station. 一名消防员带领孩子们参观了消防站。His U.S. tour was haloed by publicity.他的美国之行因大加宣传而增辉。A congregation of photographers followed the starlet on her tour.一群摄影师在那小明星旅游时一路上跟着她。We're going on a bus tour today, to see the sights of Copenhagen.今天我们要坐车游览哥本哈根的风景名胜。Our tour prices bore little resemblance to those in the holiday brochures.我们的旅游报价和那些度假手册里的价格相去甚远。The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris.库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。He gave us a tour of the building and told us about the company's history. 他领我们参观了公司大楼,介绍了这家公司的发展历史。Our host gave us a quick tour of the house.主人带着我们快速地参观了房子。The play will be performed first in the capital, and will then tour the rest of the country.这出戏将在首都首演,然后到国内其他地方巡回演出。They rounded off their tour of France by a last call at Paris.他们最后访问了巴黎,以此结束他们的法国之游。Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year.鲍勃·迪伦正在组织一个为期两周的英国新年巡回演唱会。I made a quick tour of the office to say goodbye.我到办公室匆匆转了一圈与大家道别。His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.他的杰作是一件大象雕塑。The Royal Opera is on tour.皇家歌剧团正在巡回演出。The Prince's tour conveniently omitted the most deprived areas of the city.亲王的巡查为避开麻烦,没有去该市最贫困的地区。I went on a tour of Vancouver and the surrounding area.我去了趟温哥华及其周边地区。The band went on a whirlwind concert tour.这支乐队马不停蹄地巡回演出。The president plans a European tour next month.总统计划于下个月访问欧洲。His speech to the Democratic Convention was a tour de force.他在民主党大会上的演说精彩极了。We went on a conducted tour of the castle.我们在导游的带领下参观了城堡。Come on, I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.跟我来,我领你隆重参观一下后院。Gregory took us on a riverboat tour down the Volga.格雷戈里带我们乘内河船游览了伏尔加河。It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.旅行社是时候该遵守法律和行业规范了。The starting point for the guided tour of the town is in the market square.导游带领的城市观光游的出发点在集市广场上。The tour begins with a steep climb up one of the city's many hills.旅行一开始是攀爬该市众多小山中一座陡峭的山。The minister had been invited to tour the new factory.部长受邀到新工厂进行巡视。The band cut short their tour after singer Robert Smith was taken ill with severe stomach pains.歌手罗伯特·史密斯肚子剧痛病倒后,乐队就中止了他们的巡回演出。He's a teacher most of the year, but in the summer he hires himself out as a tour guide.他一年大部分时间在当老师,但在夏季他受雇去当导游。By then it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.那时是十月份,我们的旅程已经过了大半。Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles.最好是乘坐旅游巴士或骑自行车观光。We made a tour of the garden. 我们参观了花园。We talked to her backstage in Glasgow at the midway point of her British tour.在她的英国之行进行到一半时,我们在格拉斯哥和她私下谈过。




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