例句 |
Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.给甜椒剥皮去籽。Halve and deseed the peppers.把辣椒切成两半并去籽。Garnish with peeled, seeded, and diced tomatoes.用去皮、去籽的西红柿丁装饰菜肴。Add 1 lime, seeded and sliced.加一个酸橙,去籽并切成片。Wash, seed, and cut the pepper into small pieces.将辣椒洗洗,去籽,切成小片。Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成四瓣,去籽。Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds.把葡萄切成两半,去籽。Add one red pepper, seeded and chopped.加一个红辣椒,去籽并切碎。After you wash and seed the peppers you can chop them.辣椒清洗、去籽之后就可以切了。 |